Highlord Bolvar Fordragon | ?? Boss | A H | Humanoid |
"Buckets" Cleary | 72 undefined | A H | Humanoid |
"Charlie" Northtop <Innkeeper> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
"Grizzly" D. Adams <Venture Coin Vendor> | 74 | A H | Humanoid |
"Salty" John Thorpe | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
"Wyrmbait" | 73 | A H | Humanoid |
(Wrathgate Monster) Forsaken Catapult | 80 Elite | A H | Uncategorized |
7th Legion Cavalier | 73 - 75 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Chain Gun | 70 | A H | Uncategorized |
7th Legion Cleric | 72 - 73 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Deckhand | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Elite | 71 - 72 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Elite | 73 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Infantry | 79 - 80 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Infantryman | 73 - 75 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Marine | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Rifleman | 73 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Sentinel | 73 - 74 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Siege Engineer | 69 - 71 | A H | Humanoid |
7th Legion Wyrm Hunter | 72 - 73 | A H | Humanoid |
Abner Fizzletorque | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Admiral Cantlebree | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
Airman Skyhopper | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Alestos <Grand Master Jewelcrafting Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Alexis Marlowe <Grand Master Enchanting Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Alliance Conscript | 73 - 74 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Alliance Steam Tank | 70 | A H | Mechanical |
Amberpine Footman | 73 - 74 | A H | Humanoid |
Amberpine Hunter | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Amberpine Woodsman | 73 | A H | Humanoid |
Ambo Cash | 75 | A H | Humanoid |
Anchorite Tessa | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Anchorite Yazmina <Grand Master First Aid Trainer> | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Argo Strongstout <Grand Master Blacksmithing Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Artie Grizzlehand <Stable Master> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Balar Rumsbane <Trade Goods> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Balfour Blackblade <Reagents and Poisons> | 75 | A H | Humanoid |
Barblefink | 72 | A H | Humanoid |
Baron Freeman <Westfall Brigade> | 74 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Bartender Jason Goodhutch <Drinks> | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Bartleby Armorfist <Armorsmith> | 65 | A H | Humanoid |
Basil Crowe <Dockmaster> | 65 | A H | Humanoid |
Beau <Chelsea's Horse> | 69 | A H | Beast |
Beem Goldsprocket <Trade Goods> | 67 | A H | Humanoid |
Beltrand McSorf <Explorers' League> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Benjamin Clegg <Grand Master Tailoring Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Benjamin Jacobs <General Goods> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bernadette Dexter <Grand Master Leatherworking Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bess | 5 | A H | Critter |
Bethany Aldire <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> | 81 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Bixie Wrenchshanker | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bombardier Petrov | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bonker Togglevolt | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bowyer Randolph | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Broff Bombast <General Goods> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Brom Armstrong <Blacksmithing Supplies> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Brom Brewbaster <Grand Master Cooking Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Bromm | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
Brugar Stoneshear <Explorers' League> | 73 | A H | Humanoid |
Brune Grayblade | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Brynna Wilson <Grand Master First Aid Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Buhurda <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> | 81 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Byron Welwick <Grand Master Fishing Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Caged Prisoner | 74 | A H | Humanoid |
Cannoneer Ely | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Captain "Lefty" Lugsail | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Adams | 72 | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Brightwater | 74 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Iskandar | 74 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Kendall | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Olster | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
Captured Valgarde Mage | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Captured Valgarde Paladin | 66 | A H | Humanoid |
Captured Valgarde Priest | 66 | A H | Humanoid |
Captured Valgarde Warrior | 67 | A H | Humanoid |
Cavalier Durkon <7th Legion> | 73 | A H | Humanoid |
Celidh Aletracker <Stable Master> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Chef Kettleblack | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Chief Engineer Boltwrench | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Chief Engineer Galpen Rolltie <Engineering Supplies> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Chief Officer Leonards | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Christina Daniels <Innkeeper> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Christopher Sloan | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Civilian Recruit | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Civilian Recruit | 68 | A H | Humanoid |
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Commander Howser | 76 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Commander Lynore Windstryke <7th Legion> | 74 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Commander Saia Azuresteel | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Commander Zanneth | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Converted Harvest Collector | 68 | A H | Mechanical |
Coot "The Stranger" Albertson <Bartender> | 69 | A H | Humanoid |
Corporal Venn | 72 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Counselor Talbot | 72 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Crafty Wobblesprocket | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Daegarn <Explorers' League> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Darin Goodstitch <Grand Master Tailoring Trainer> | 71 | A H | Humanoid |
Defender Mordun | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Derek Rammel <Gryphon Master> | 75 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Doldaen <General Goods> | 70 | A H | Humanoid |