Kirin Tor - Factions - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Kirin Tor
  • Group: Wrath of the Lich King
The mages and archmages running the city of Dalaran. Faced with the rising threats of the Blue Dragonflight and the Scourge, they've transported their city to the heart of Northrend.

Additional Information

<Leader of the Kirin Tor>
A HHumanoid
"Red" Jack Findle
<Trade Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Abra Cadabra
75A HHumanoid
Adorean Lew80A HHumanoid
75A HHumanoid
Aerith Primrose
<Flower Vendor>
75A HHumanoid
Afsaneh Asrar
<Assistant Innkeeper>
75A HHumanoid
<Pie, Pastry & Cakes>
75A HHumanoid
Ainderu Summerleaf
<Mooncloth Tailoring Specialist>
76A HHumanoid
Alard Schmied
<Grand Master Blacksmithing Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Alchemist Burroughs80A HHumanoid
Alfred Copperworth
75A HHumanoid
Aludane Whitecloud
<Flight Master>
75A HHumanoid
A HUndead
Amisi Azuregaze
75A HHumanoid
<Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Andrew Matthews
<Guild Master>
75A HHumanoid
Angelique Butler
<First Aid Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Anthony Durain
<Shield Merchant>
75A HHumanoid
<Tabea's Companion>
1A Hundefined
<Fruit Vendor>
75A HHumanoid
Apprentice Fraser
<Food & Drink>
72A HHumanoid
Apprentice Ranch72A HHumanoid
Apprentice Rosen
<Reagent Supplies>
72A HHumanoid
Apprentice Trotter72A HHumanoid
Arcanist Alec80A HHumanoid
Arcanist Ginsberg80A HHumanoid
Archivist Betha
<City Historian>
75A HHumanoid
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver
<Kirin Tor>
A HHumanoid
Archmage Alvareaux
<Kirin Tor Quartermaster>
80A HHumanoid
Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver
<Kirin Tor>
40A HHumanoid
Archmage Berinand
<Maces & Staves>
72A HHumanoid
Archmage Celindra
<Portal Trainer>
A HHumanoid
Archmage Evanor72A HHumanoid
Archmage Evanor72A HHumanoid
Archmage John Nicholas
<The Punisher>
80A HHumanoid
Archmage Lan'dalock80
A HHumanoid
Archmage Modera
<Kirin Tor>
A HHumanoid
Archmage Pentarus80
A HHumanoid
Archmage Pentarus80
A HHumanoid
Archmage Rheaume80A HHumanoid
Archmage Rhydian80
A HHumanoid
Archmage Tenaj80A HHumanoid
Archmage Timear80
A HHumanoid
Archmage Vargoth
<Kirin Tor>
70A HHumanoid
Arille Azuregaze
75A HHumanoid
Babagahnoosh the Grumpy80A HHumanoid
Badluck1A HCritter
Baron Ulrik von Stromhearth75
A HHumanoid
Baroness Zildjia80A HHumanoid
Bartram Haller
<Dagger & Fist Weapon Merchant>
75A HHumanoid
Bitty Frostflinger80A HHumanoid
Braeg Stoutbeard
<Fur & Leather Trader>
75A HHumanoid
Bragund Brightlink
<Mail Armor Merchant>
75A HHumanoid
Brammold Deepmine
<Antiques & Heirlooms>
75A HHumanoid
<Pet Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Bryan Landers
<Engineering Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Chameli Banaphash
75A HHumanoid
Charles Worth
<Grand Master Tailoring Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Christi Stockton
<Wine Vendor>
75A HHumanoid
Clockwork Assistant
<Jepetto's Companion>
75A HMechanical
Colin13A HHumanoid
Conjurer Weinhaus80A HHumanoid
Crafticus Mindbender80A HHumanoid
Dagna Flintlock
75A HHumanoid
Dalaran Citizen75A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Dalaran Visitor79 - 80A HHumanoid
Darthalia Ebonscorch80A HHumanoid
Debbi Moore
<Trinkets & Charms>
75A HHumanoid
Derik Marks
<Grand Master Skinning Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Diane Cannings
<Grand Master Leatherworking Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Didi the Wrench
<Goblin Engineering Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Dominique Stefano
<Tailoring Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Dorfus Alphamage80A HHumanoid
Dorian Fines
<Mining Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Dorothy Egan
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Dubin Clay
<Plate Armor Merchant>
75A HHumanoid
Edward Egan
<Herbalism Supplies>
75A HHumanoid
Elizabeth Ross
<Tabard Vendor>
75A HHumanoid
Emeline Fizzlefry80A HHumanoid
Emi9A HHumanoid
Enchanter Nalthanis
<Grand Master Enchanting Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Endora Moorehead
<Magical Goods>
75A HHumanoid
Fabioso the Fabulous80A HHumanoid
Fialla Sweetberry
<Food & Drink>
75A HHumanoid
Findle Whistlesteam
<Gnome Engineering Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Frozo the Renowned
<Frozen Orb Trader>
75A HHumanoid
Gatekeeper Melindra80
A HHumanoid
Geffon the Unruly77 - 78A HHumanoid
Gnome Diver75A HUncategorized
Goldlilly Gleamingfell80A HHumanoid
Grezla the Hag80A HHumanoid
Grindle Firespark80A HHumanoid
Griselda Hunderland
<Plate Armor Merchant>
75A HHumanoid
Hagatha Moorehead
<Reagent Merchant>
75A HHumanoid