High Tinker Mekkatorque <King of Gnomes> | ?? Boss | A H | Humanoid |
'Thunderflash' | 40 | A H | Mechanical |
Alamar Grimm <Warlock Trainer> | 5 | A H | Humanoid |
Ambrose Boltspark <Grand Champion of Gnomeregan> | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Ambrose Boltspark <Grand Champion of Gnomeregan> | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Ambrose Boltspark <Grand Champion of Gnomeregan> | 80 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Bilban Tosslespanner <Warrior Trainer> | 45 | A H | Humanoid |
Billibub Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Bimble Longberry <Fruit Vendor> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Bingus <Weapon Merchant> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Binjy Featherwhistle <Mechanostrider Pilot> | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Bink <Mage Trainer> | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Binny Springblade | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Briarthorn <Warlock Trainer> | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Bubulo Acerbus <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Burbik Gearspanner <Trade Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Captain Tread Sparknozzle | 75 | A H | Humanoid |
Caz Twosprocket | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Clopper Wizbang <Explorers' League> | 15 - 16 | A H | Humanoid |
Cog Glitzspinner | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Dannie Fizzwizzle | 14 | A H | Humanoid |
Deek Fizzlebizz <Engineering Trainer> | 27 | A H | Humanoid |
Dink <Mage Trainer> | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Doc Mixilpixil | 45 | A H | Humanoid |
Drill Sergeant Steamcrank | 75 | A H | Humanoid |
Ejector Mechano-Tank | 1 | A H | Mechanical |
Elgin Clickspring <High Tinker's Assistant> | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Emmithue Smails <Sweet Treats> | 10 | A H | Humanoid |
Felix Whindlebolt | 2 | A H | Humanoid |
Fenthwick <Rogue Trainer> | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Fillius Fizzlespinner <Trade Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Fimble Finespindle <Leatherworking Trainer> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Finbus Geargrind <Engineering Trainer> | 31 | A H | Humanoid |
Fizzlebang Booms <Fireworks Vendor> | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Flickin Gearspanner <Master of Mechanostriders> | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Fradd Swiftgear <Engineering Supplies> | 24 | A H | Humanoid |
Fremal Doohickey <First Aid Trainer> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Gaxim Rustfizzle | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Gearcutter Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Gimble Thistlefuzz <Enchanting Trainer> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Gimrizz Shadowcog <Warlock Trainer> | 15 | A H | Humanoid |
Ginny Longberry <Reagents> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnome Citizen | 1 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnome Citizen | 1 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnome Commoner | 1 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnome Engineer | 15 | A H | Uncategorized |
Gnomeregan Champion | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Commendation Officer | 55 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Conjuror | 70 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Evacuee | 24 - 25 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Mechano-Tank Pilot | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Medic | 75 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Trainee | 10 | A H | Humanoid |
Gnomeregan Valiant | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Hands Springsprocket | 10 | A H | Humanoid |
Herble Baubbletump <Engineering & Mining Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Holdout Medic | 26 - 27 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Holdout Technician | 26 - 27 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Holdout Warrior | 26 - 27 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Invisible Stalker | 80 | A H | Uncategorized |
Jalinda Sprig | 57 | A H | Humanoid |
Jemma Quikswitch <Apprentice Engineer> | 24 | A H | Humanoid |
Jenna Lemkenilli <Engineering Trainer> | 26 | A H | Humanoid |
Jennabink Powerseam <Tailoring Supplies & Specialty Goods> | 25 | A H | Humanoid |
Jubahl Corpseseeker | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Juli Stormkettle <Mage Trainer> | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Katrina Shimmerstar <Hallow's End Treats> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Klockmort Spannerspan | 43 - 45 | A H | Humanoid |
Lago Blackwrench | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Laris Geardawdle | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Lieutenant Jackspring <Legacy Weapon Quartermaster> | 55 | A H | Humanoid |
Lilliam Sparkspindle <Engineering Trainer> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Lomac Gearstrip | 29 | A H | Humanoid |
Magis Sparkmantle <Mage Trainer> | 10 | A H | Humanoid |
Marryk Nurribit <Mage Trainer> | 5 | A H | Humanoid |
Marta Finespindle <Thick Leather Collector> | 60 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Master Mechanic Castpipe | 57 | A H | Humanoid |
Master Sergeant Fizzlebolt <War Effort Recruiter> | 60 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Milli Featherwhistle <Mechanostrider Merchant> | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Namdo Bizzfizzle <Engineering Supplies> | 24 | A H | Humanoid |
Officer Porterhouse <Gnomeregan Commendations> | 55 | A H | Humanoid |
Outfitter Eric <Speciality Tailoring Supplies> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Ozzie Togglevolt | 10 | A H | Humanoid |
Pilot Muzzlesprock | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Pithwick <Bag Vendor> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Private Draxlegauge <Stranglekelp Collector> | 56 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Prynne | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Razzle Sprysprocket | 20 | A H | Humanoid |
Rillie Spindlenut <Gnomeregan Quartermaster> | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Sarah Sadwhistle <Roast Raptor Collector> | 58 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Scuttling Mechano-Tank | 1 | A H | Mechanical |
Shooting Mechano-Tank | 1 | A H | Mechanical |
Slicky Gastronome <Rainbow Fin Albacore Collector> | 56 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Soolie Berryfizz <Alchemy Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Spackle Thornberry | 40 | A H | Humanoid |
Sprite Jumpsprocket <Apprentice Engineer> | 24 | A H | Humanoid |
Sraaz <Pie Vendor> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |
Tally Berryfizz <Alchemy Trainer> | 35 | A H | Humanoid |
Talvash del Kissel | 50 | A H | Humanoid |
Tansy Puddlefizz <Fishing Supplies> | 30 | A H | Humanoid |