Stormwind - Factions - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
  • Group: Alliance
  • Side: Alliance
One of the last bastions of human power, this Alliance capital is ruled by the prodigal king, Varian Wrynn.

Additional Information

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon??
A HHumanoid
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
<Ruler of Theramore>
A HHumanoid
Lady Onyxia??
A HDragonkin
Northshire Guard Justin??
A HHumanoid
"Auntie" Bernice Stonefield6A HHumanoid
"Cookie" McWeaksauce
<Cooking Trainer & Supplies>
8A HHumanoid
Aaron1A HHumanoid
<The Hermit>
35A HHumanoid
Acolyte Dellis15A HHumanoid
Acolyte Porena20A HHumanoid
Adair Gilroy
60A HHumanoid
Adam1A HHumanoid
Adam Lind20A HHumanoid
Adele Fielder
<Leatherworking Trainer>
22A HHumanoid
Admiral Odesyus
<Alliance Naval Command>
60A HHumanoid
Aedis Brom30A HHumanoid
Agent Kearnen22A HHumanoid
Agustus Moulaine
<Mail Armor Merchant>
30A HHumanoid
Air Force Alarm Bot (Alliance)70A HUncategorized
Alchemist Arbington58A HHumanoid
Alchemist Mallory
<Alchemy Trainer>
26A HHumanoid
Alchemist Narett
<Alchemy Trainer>
37A HHumanoid
Aldric Moore
<Mail Armor Merchant>
30A HHumanoid
Aldwin Laughlin
<Guild Master>
50A HHumanoid
Alexandra Bolero
<Tailoring Supplies>
30A HHumanoid
Alexandra Constantine
<Gryphon Master>
A HHumanoid
Allan Hafgan
<Staves Merchant>
30A HHumanoid
Alliance Axeman12 - 13A HHumanoid
Alliance Logger12 - 13A HHumanoid
Alma Jainrose
<Herbalism Trainer>
20A HHumanoid
Alyssa Eva
7A HHumanoid
Alyssa Griffith
<Bag Vendor>
30A HHumanoid
Ambassador Berrybuck
<Council of Darkshire>
30A HHumanoid
Amie Pierce30A HHumanoid
Amy Davenport
20A HHumanoid
Ander Germaine
<Warrior Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Andi1A HHumanoid
Andrea Halloran20A HHumanoid
Andrew Krighton
<Armorer & Shieldcrafter>
8A HHumanoid
Androd Fadran
<Leatherworking Supplies>
37A HHumanoid
Anduin Wrynn
<Prince of Stormwind>
5A HHumanoid
Angus Stern
<Head Chef>
60A HHumanoid
Antonia Dart
<Baby Murloc Redemption Merchant>
55A HHumanoid
Antonio Perelli
<Traveling Salesman>
35A HHumanoid
Apprentice Honeywell29A HHumanoid
Apprentice Kryten30A HHumanoid
Archbishop Benedictus60
A HHumanoid
Archmage Gaiman55A HHumanoid
Archmage Malin40A HHumanoid
Ardwyn Cailen
<Wand Merchant>
30A HHumanoid
Ariena Stormfeather
<Gryphon Master>
A HHumanoid
Aristan Mottar5A HHumanoid
Arnold Leland
<Fishing Trainer>
35A HHumanoid
Art Peshkov55A HHumanoid
Arthur the Faithful
<Paladin Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
Ashley Bridenbecker1A HHumanoid
Auctioneer Chilton50A HHumanoid
Auctioneer Fitch50A HHumanoid
Auctioneer Jaxon50A HHumanoid
Avette Fellwood
24A HHumanoid
Badly Injured Alliance Soldier47 - 48A HHumanoid
Bailiff Conacher30A HHumanoid
Barkeep Daniels21A HHumanoid
Barkeep Dobbins
10A HHumanoid
Barkeep Hann
26A HHumanoid
Barkeep Kelly
40A HHumanoid
Baros Alexston
<City Architect>
30A HHumanoid
Bart Tidewater
<Captain of the Maiden's Virtue>
20A HHumanoid
Bartender Lillian
45A HHumanoid
Bartender Wental
<Food & Drink>
21A HHumanoid
Bartolo Ginsetti32A HHumanoid
<Experience Eliminator>
19A HHumanoid
Ben Trias
<Apprentice of Cheese>
25A HHumanoid
Benjamin Carevin2A HHumanoid
Benjamin Elgueta
<The Assurance>
30A HHumanoid
Bera Stonehammer
<Gryphon Master>
A HHumanoid
Bernard Brubaker
<Leather Armor Merchant>
20A HHumanoid
Bernard Gump
30A HHumanoid
Bernie Heisten
<Food & Drink>
45A HHumanoid
Betty Quin
<Apprentice Enchanter>
25A HHumanoid
Bibilfaz Featherwhistle
<Gryphon Master>
A HHumanoid
Billy1A HHumanoid
Billy Maclure1A HHumanoid
Bishop DeLavey32A HHumanoid
Bishop Farthing40A HHumanoid
Blind Mary40A HUndead
Bo1A HHumanoid
Bradford Bridenbecker1A HHumanoid
Brandon1A HHumanoid
Brant Jasperbloom
<Herbalism Trainer>
37A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Alex6A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Daniel6A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Dmitri10A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Jess6A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Matthew6A HHumanoid
Bridge Worker Trent5A HHumanoid
Brog Hamfist
<General Supplies>
10A HHumanoid
Broll Bearmantle80
A HHumanoid
Broll Bearmantle80
A HHumanoid
Bront Coldcleave
39A HHumanoid