Boots of Avoidance - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Boots of Avoidance


  • Disenchantable: (125)
  • Sell for: 1 36 37
Boots of Avoidance
Binds when equipped
411 Armor
+14 Agility
+11 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 40
Item Level 45
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 24.
Sell Price: 1 36 37

Additional Information

Scale Belly45
A HBeast0.2
Timbermaw Pathfinder46 - 47A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Iron Kidnapper45A HHumanoid0
Sergeant Bly45
A HHumanoid0
Scarab44A HBeast0
Ambershard Destroyer42 - 43A HElemental0
Witch Doctor Mai'jin46A HHumanoid0
Noxxious Scion44A HElemental0
Mosh'Ogg Lord45A HHumanoid0
Murk Spitter46 - 47A HBeast0
Shadowforge Archaeologist38 - 39
A HHumanoid0
Theradrim Shardling45A HElemental0
Stonevault Flameweaver38 - 39
A HHumanoid0
Cavern Lurker44 - 45
A HElemental0
Barbed Lasher45
A HElemental0
Skullsplitter Headhunter43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Deeprot Tangler43
A HElemental0
Witherbark Caller45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Constrictor Vine44 - 45
A HElemental0
Thessala Hydra46 - 47
A HUncategorized0
Creeping Sludge43 - 44
A HUncategorized0
Marsh Oracle44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Atal'ai Priest46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Primordial Behemoth47
A HGiant0
Sea Spray47 - 48A HElemental0
Sandfury Shadowhunter43 - 44
A HHumanoid0
Sandfury Soul Eater44 - 45
A HHumanoid0
Zukk'ash Worker44 - 45A HUncategorized0
Glasshide Gazer45 - 46A HBeast0
Glassweb Spider43 - 45A HBeast0
Ghostly Marauder41 - 42A HUndead0
Twilight Geomancer44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Firemane Flamecaller41 - 44A HDragonkin0
Groddoc Ape42 - 43A HBeast0
Blisterpaw Hyena44 - 45A HBeast0
Vilebranch Warrior45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Murk Worm47 - 48
A HBeast0
Centipaar Wasp47 - 48A HUncategorized0
Putridus Trickster43
A HDemon0
Marsh Flesheater43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Primitive Owlbeast44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Zanzil Zombie43 - 44A HUndead0
Earthen Stonebreaker39A HHumanoid0
Deep Borer46 - 47A HBeast0
Ironfur Bear41 - 42A HBeast0
Wastewander Assassin44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Feral Scar Yeti43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Scorpid Dunestalker46 - 47A HBeast0
Magma Elemental46 - 48A HElemental0
Dunemaul Enforcer46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Bloodsail Elder Magus41 - 42A HHumanoid0
Witherbark Broodguard44 - 45A HBeast0
Savage Owlbeast46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Dunemaul Ogre45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Dunemaul Ogre Mage46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Twilight Fire Guard44 - 46A HHumanoid0
Dark Iron Geologist43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Monstrous Crawler43 - 44A HBeast0
Hatecrest Warrior42 - 43A HHumanoid0
Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler44 - 45
A HBeast0
Highborne Apparition45 - 46A HUndead0
Felpaw Wolf47 - 48A HBeast0
Firemane Scout39 - 40A HDragonkin0
Woodpaw Reaver42 - 43A HHumanoid0
Silvermane Howler45 - 46A HBeast0
Gordunni Shaman44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Vilebranch Scalper46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Rage Scar Yeti46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Hatecrest Serpent Guard44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Slime Maggot45 - 46A HBeast0
Sprite Darter43 - 45A HDragonkin0
Southsea Dock Worker44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Sandfury Blood Drinker44 - 45
A HHumanoid0
Silvermane Wolf43 - 44A HBeast0
Starving Snickerfang45 - 46A HBeast0
Slave Worker45 - 47A HHumanoid0
Enraged Feral Scar44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Ferocious Rage Scar47 - 48A HHumanoid0
Frayfeather Stagwing43 - 45A HBeast0
Scorpok Stinger46 - 47A HBeast0
Dark Iron Slaver45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Naga Explorer43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Sandfury Witch Doctor44 - 45
A HHumanoid0
Mangy Silvermane41 - 42A HBeast0
Southsea Swashbuckler44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Vilebranch Soothsayer46 - 47A HHumanoid0
Wastewander Shadow Mage42 - 43A HHumanoid0
Atal'ai Slave46 - 47A HDemon0
Green Sludge46 - 47A HUncategorized0
Bloodsail Swashbuckler40 - 41A HHumanoid0
Atal'ai Witch Doctor47 - 48
A HHumanoid0
Zul'Farrak Zombie43 - 44
A HUndead0
Scalding Whelp41 - 43A HDragonkin0
Sandfury Shadowcaster43 - 44
A HHumanoid0
Southsea Pirate44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Southsea Freebooter44 - 45A HHumanoid0