Light Feather - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Light Feather


  • Sell for: 7
Light Feather
Sell Price: 7

Additional Information

Cloud Serpent25 - 26A HBeast60
Venomous Cloud Serpent26 - 28A HBeast55
Oiled Fledgeling69A HBeast54
Elder Cloud Serpent27 - 29A HBeast52
Thunderhawk Hatchling18 - 20A HBeast50
Greater Thunderhawk23 - 24A HBeast48
Thunderhawk Cloudscraper20 - 22A HBeast44
Foreststrider Fledgling11 - 13A HBeast41
Greater Plainstrider11 - 12A HBeast40
Deviate Coiler Hatchling11A HBeast39
Fleeting Plainstrider12 - 13A HBeast39
Deviate Coiler15 - 16A HBeast38
Foreststrider14 - 16A HBeast37
Mountain Buzzard15 - 16A HBeast34
Ornery Plainstrider16 - 17A HBeast33
Haal'eshi Talonguard62 - 63A HHumanoid32
Haal'eshi Windwalker62 - 63A HHumanoid32
Skettis Sentinel71 - 72A HHumanoid32
Giant Foreststrider17 - 19A HBeast32
Deviate Stinglash16 - 17A HBeast32
Moonkin Oracle13 - 14A HHumanoid32
Deathtalon Spirit64A HUndead32
Fjord Hawk Matriarch71A HBeast32
Fleshripper13 - 14A HBeast31
Time-Lost Skettis Reaver70 - 71A HUndead31
Moonkin12 - 13A HHumanoid31
Witchwing Ambusher17 - 18A HHumanoid31
Time-Lost Skettis High Priest71A HUndead31
Dustwind Storm Witch10 - 11A HHumanoid31
Talonpriest Zellek71A HUndead31
Greater Fleshripper16 - 17A HBeast31
Witchwing Windcaller17 - 18A HHumanoid31
Time-Lost Skettis Worshipper70 - 71A HUndead31
Young Moonkin11 - 12A HHumanoid31
Raging Moonkin12 - 14A HHumanoid31
Young Fleshripper10 - 11A HBeast31
Shienor Wing Guard62 - 63A HHumanoid31
Dire Condor18 - 19A HBeast31
Bloodfury Windcaller24 - 25A HHumanoid30
Urdak63 - 64A HHumanoid30
Witchwing Slayer16 - 17A HHumanoid30
Screeching Harpy28 - 29A HHumanoid30
Bloodfury Harpy23 - 24A HHumanoid30
Windfury Matriarch10 - 11A HHumanoid30
Ashkaz62 - 63A HHumanoid30
Lashh'an Wing Guard65 - 66A HHumanoid30
Ayit63A HHumanoid30
Bloodfury Roguefeather25 - 26A HHumanoid30
Grishna Scorncrow67 - 68A HHumanoid30
Bloodfeather Matriarch11A HHumanoid30
Bloodfury Storm Witch26 - 27A HHumanoid30
Bloodfury Ambusher23 - 24A HHumanoid30
Dark Conclave Talonite67A HUndead30
Shalassi Talonguard63 - 64A HHumanoid30
Grishna Falconwing67 - 68A HHumanoid30
Witchwing Harpy14 - 15A HHumanoid30
Witchwing Roguefeather15 - 16A HHumanoid30
Lashh'an Talonite65 - 66A HHumanoid30
Bloodfury Slayer25 - 26A HHumanoid30
Shienor Talonite62 - 63A HHumanoid30
Screeching Roguefeather29 - 30A HHumanoid30
Skettis Soulcaller70 - 71A HHumanoid30
Skettis Windwalker70 - 71A HHumanoid30
Lashh'an Matriarch66A HHumanoid30
Skettis Talonite70A HHumanoid30
Shienor Sorcerer62 - 63A HHumanoid30
Screeching Windcaller30A HHumanoid30
Shalassi Oracle64 - 65A HHumanoid30
Dark Conclave Scorncrow67 - 68A HUndead30
Skettis Wing Guard70 - 71A HHumanoid30
Lord Condar15 - 16
A HBeast30
Grishna Harbinger67 - 68A HHumanoid30
Dark Conclave Harbinger68A HUndead30
Lashh'an Windwalker65 - 66A HHumanoid30
Dark Conclave Ravenguard68A HUndead30
Lunaclaw12A HHumanoid29
Skithian Dreadhawk63 - 64A HHumanoid29
Vekh'nir Matriarch66A HHumanoid29
<Leader of the Vekh'nir>
67A HHumanoid29
Talonpriest Skizzik71A HUndead29
Washte Pawne25A HBeast29
Skithian Windripper63 - 64A HHumanoid29
Vekh'nir Dreadhawk65 - 66A HHumanoid29
Skettis Time-Shifter71 - 72A HHumanoid29
Vekh'nir Stormcaller65 - 66A HHumanoid29
Dark Conclave Shadowmancer67 - 68A HUndead29
Dark Conclave Hawkeye67A HUndead29
Ruuan'ok Skyfury66 - 67A HHumanoid29
Skettis Eviscerator71 - 72A HHumanoid29
Ruuan'ok Cloudgazer66 - 67A HHumanoid29
Vekh'nir Keeneye65 - 66A HHumanoid29
Ruuan'ok Matriarch67A HHumanoid29
Spirit Raven63 - 64A HUndead28
Bonestripper Buzzard57 - 59A HBeast28
Salt Flats Scavenger30 - 32A HBeast28
Screeching Spirit63 - 64A HUndead28
28A HBeast28
Ruuan'ok Ravenguard66 - 67A HHumanoid28
Grishna Matriarch68A HHumanoid28
Bloodfury Ripper26A HHumanoid28