Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves


  • Sell for: 2
Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves
Requires Tailoring (355)
Item Level 71
Use: Teaches you how to sew Soulcloth Gloves.
Sell Price: 2

Soulcloth Gloves
Binds when equipped
106 Armor
+24 Stamina
+13 Intellect
+9 Spirit
+35 Arcane Resistance
Yellow Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +3 Intellect
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 70
Item Level 100

Soulcloth Embrace (0/3)
(3) Set: Increases your hit rating by 16.
Sell Price: 2 4 74

Requires Bolt of Soulcloth (5), Knothide Leather (6), Rune Thread (4)

Additional Information