Design: Necklace of the Diamond Tower - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Design: Necklace of the Diamond Tower


  • Sell for: 33 75
Design: Necklace of the Diamond Tower
Item Level 61
Use: Teaches you how to craft a Necklace of the Diamond Tower.
Sell Price: 33 75

Necklace of the Diamond Tower
Binds when equipped
+3 Fire Resistance
+3 Nature Resistance
+3 Frost Resistance
+3 Shadow Resistance
+3 Arcane Resistance
Requires Level 56
Item Level 61
Equip: Increases defense rating by 17.
Sell Price: 2 52 18

Requires Azerothian Diamond (2), Thorium Setting (2), Arcanite Bar (2)

Additional Information