Formula: Superior Wizard Oil - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Formula: Superior Wizard Oil


  • Sell for: 1 75
Formula: Superior Wizard Oil
Requires Enchanting (340)
Item Level 68
Use: Teaches you how to make Superior Wizard Oil.
Sell Price: 1 75

Superior Wizard Oil
Requires Level 58
Item Level 68
Use: While applied to target weapon it increases spell power by 42. Lasts for 1 hour. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 165.
Sell Price: 15

Requires Arcane Dust (3), Nightmare Vine, Imbued Vial

Additional Information

<Enchanting Supplies>
30The ExodarA H17
<Enchanting Supplies>
30Silvermoon CityA H17
Madame Ruby
<Enchanting Supplies>
60Shattrath CityA H17