Design: Circlet of Arcane Might - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Design: Circlet of Arcane Might


  • Sell for: 1 50
Design: Circlet of Arcane Might
Binds when picked up
Item Level 74
Use: Teaches you how to craft a Circlet of Arcane Might.
Sell Price: 1 50

Circlet of Arcane Might
Binds when equipped
138 Armor
+27 Intellect
+27 Spirit
+39 Stamina
Durability 60 / 60
Requires Level 70
Item Level 100
Equip: 2% chance on successful spellcast to increase your spell power by s for 15 sec.
Sell Price: 3 7 12

Requires Felsteel Bar (20), Primal Mana (20), Star of Elune (2), Mercurial Adamantite (5)

Additional Information