Pattern: Battlecast Pants - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Pattern: Battlecast Pants


  • Sell for: 1 50
Pattern: Battlecast Pants
Binds when picked up
Requires Tailoring (375)
Item Level 75
Use: Teaches you how to sew Battlecast Pants.
Sell Price: 1 50

Battlecast Pants
Binds when equipped
156 Armor
+42 Stamina
+27 Intellect
Red Socket
Blue Socket
Socket Bonus: +3 Critical Strike Rating
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 70
Item Level 105
Equip: Increases spell power by 46.

Battlecast Garb (0/2)
Requires Tailoring (375)

(2) Set: Reduces casting or channeling time lost when damaged by 5%.
Sell Price: 4 50 32

Requires Bolt of Imbued Netherweave (12), Primal Might (8), Primal Nether

Additional Information