Information |
| |||||||
Ahemen <Staff Vendor> | 70 Elite | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Allan Hafgan <Staves Merchant> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Altsoba Ragetotem <Weapon Merchant> | 55 | Felwood | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Andrus <Staff Merchant> | 30 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Archmage Berinand <Maces & Staves> | 72 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Ba'kari <Maces & Staves> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Bingus <Weapon Merchant> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Ellomin <Blunt Weapon Merchant> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Gibbert <Weapon Merchant> | 45 | Un'Goro Crater | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Jannos Ironwill <Superior Macecrafter> | 46 | Arathi Highlands | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Kelomir Ironhand <Maces & Staves> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Leeka Turner <Shields and Maces> | 70 | The Culling of Stratholme | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Marie Holdston <Weaponsmith> | 37 | Dustwallow Marsh | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Muragus <Staff Merchant> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Muuran <Superior Macecrafter> | 40 | Desolace | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Ordinn Thunderfist <Hammersmith> | 65 | Terokkar Forest | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Quartermaster Hicks <Master Weaponsmith> | 10 | Elwynn Forest | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Ruka <Smashing Weapons> | 60 | Blade's Edge Mountains | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Sunn Ragetotem <Staff Merchant> | 30 | Thunder Bluff | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Sydney Upton <Staff Merchant> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Ukra'nor <Staff Merchant> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Urumir Stavebright <Staff Vendor> | 60 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Vharr <Superior Weaponsmith> | 40 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Welethelon <Blunt Weapon Merchant> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Xai'ander <Weaponsmith> | 35 | Stonetalon Mountains | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Zarena Cromwind <Superior Weaponsmith> | 43 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |
Zulrg <Weaponsmith> | 43 | Mulgore | A H | ∞ | 2 93 56 |