Flimsy Chain Bracers - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Flimsy Chain Bracers


  • Sell for: 3
Flimsy Chain Bracers
25 Armor
Durability 18 / 18
Item Level 4
Sell Price: 3

Additional Information

Root Trapper5 - 6A HElemental4
Angry Murloc5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Mutated Owlkin3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Surveyor Candress5A HHumanoid4
Blood Elf Scout3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Vale Moth1A HBeast4
Nestlewood Owlkin3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Mutated Root Lasher3A HElemental4
Volatile Mutation1 - 2A HElemental4
Plaguebone Pillager5 - 6A HUndead4
Mana Stalker5 - 6A HElemental4
Wretched Urchin4 - 5A HHumanoid4
Arcane Patroller5 - 6A HElemental4
Eversong Tender5 - 7A HElemental4
Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle5A HHumanoid4
Sarkoth4A HBeast4
"Squealer" Thornmantle5A HHumanoid4
Yarrog Baneshadow5A HHumanoid4
Kul Tiras Sailor5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Scorpid Worker3A HBeast4
Felstalker3 - 4A HDemon4
Vile Familiar3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Mottled Boar1 - 2A HBeast4
Venture Co. Hireling5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Battleboar3 - 4A HBeast4
Mountain Cougar3A HBeast4
Plainstrider1 - 2A HBeast4
Bristleback Battleboar4 - 5A HBeast4
Bristleback Shaman3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Bristleback Quilboar3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Palemane Tanner5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Mangy Nightsaber2A HBeast4
Young Nightsaber1A HBeast4
Timberling5 - 6A HElemental4
Gnarlpine Gardener5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Gnarlpine Ursa5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Shadow Sprite5 - 6A HDemon4
Rascal Sprite5 - 6A HDemon4
Githyiss the Vile5A HBeast4
Grellkin3 - 4A HDemon4
Grell2 - 3A HDemon4
Webwood Spider3 - 4A HBeast4
Thistle Boar2 - 3A HBeast4
Young Thistle Boar1 - 2A HBeast4
Tirisfal Farmhand5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Samuel Fipps5A HUndead4
Karrel Grayves2 - 3A HUndead4
Daniel Ulfman2 - 3A HUndead4
Stephen Bhartec2 - 3A HUndead4
Rattlecage Skeleton2 - 3A HUndead4
Rockjaw Raider3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Night Web Matriarch5A HBeast4
Meven Korgal5A HHumanoid4
Rotting Dead5 - 6A HUndead4
Mangy Duskbat3 - 4A HBeast4
Duskbat1 - 2A HBeast4
Ragged Scavenger2 - 3A HBeast4
Young Scavenger1A HBeast4
Scarlet Initiate3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Scarlet Convert3A HHumanoid4
Night Web Spider3 - 4A HBeast4
Young Night Web Spider2 - 3A HBeast4
Wretched Ghoul1 - 2A HUndead4
Mindless Zombie1A HUndead4
Young Wendigo5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Frostmane Novice3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Grik'nir the Cold5A HHumanoid4
Burly Rockjaw Trogg2A HHumanoid4
Small Crag Boar3A HBeast4
Rockjaw Trogg1 - 2A HHumanoid4
Frostmane Troll Whelp3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Ragged Young Wolf1A HBeast4
Ragged Timber Wolf2A HBeast4
Kobold Tunneler5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Diseased Young Wolf1A HBeast4
Kobold Worker3A HHumanoid4
Garrick Padfoot5A HHumanoid4
Defias Cutpurse5 - 6A HHumanoid4
Kobold Laborer3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Diseased Timber Wolf2A HBeast4
Defias Thug3 - 4A HHumanoid4
Kobold Vermin1 - 2A HHumanoid4
Root Trapper5 - 6A HElemental1.3
Angry Murloc5 - 6A HHumanoid1.3
Mutated Owlkin3 - 4A HHumanoid1.3
Surveyor Candress5A HHumanoid1.3
Blood Elf Scout3 - 4A HHumanoid1.3
Vale Moth1A HBeast1.3
Nestlewood Owlkin3 - 4A HHumanoid1.3
Mutated Root Lasher3A HElemental1.3
Volatile Mutation1 - 2A HElemental1.3
Plaguebone Pillager5 - 6A HUndead1.3
Mana Stalker5 - 6A HElemental1.3
Wretched Urchin4 - 5A HHumanoid1.3
Arcane Patroller5 - 6A HElemental1.3
Eversong Tender5 - 7A HElemental1.3
Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle5A HHumanoid1.3
Sarkoth4A HBeast1.3
"Squealer" Thornmantle5A HHumanoid1.3
Yarrog Baneshadow5A HHumanoid1.3