Information |
| ||||
"Cookie" McWeaksauce <Cooking Trainer & Supplies> | 8 | Azuremyst Isle | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Abigail Shiel <Trade Supplies> | 9 | Western Plaguelands | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Baxter <Chef> | 60 | Hellfire Peninsula | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Durotar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Thunder Bluff | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Bountiful Barrel <Pilgrim's Bounty Supplies> | 40 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Brady Ironcrock <Cooking Supplies> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Christopher Hewen <Trade Supplies> | 30 | Westfall | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Dalin Stouthammer <Cooking Supplies> | 65 | Terokkar Forest | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Dalni Tallgrass <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Durotar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Derak Nightfall <Cook> | 32 | Alterac Mountains | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Derek Odds <Cooking Supplies> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Doba <Cooking Supplies> | 63 | Zangarmarsh | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Drake Lindgren <General & Trade Supplies> | 10 | Elwynn Forest | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Elizabeth Barker Winslow <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Emrul Riknussun <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Ergh of the Stillpine <Trade Supplies> | 10 | Azuremyst Isle | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Erika Tate <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Flakk <Trade Supplies> | 15 | Durotar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Fyldan <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Alunwea <Feathermoon Ferry> | 65 | Feralas | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Gathers <The Bravery> | 40 | Felwood | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Grace <The Lady Mehley> | 40 | Dustwallow Marsh | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Halumvorea <Elune's Blessing> | 65 | Felwood | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Mariss <The Moonspray> | 65 | Felwood | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Paul Kubit <The Assurance> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Galley Chief Steelbelly <The Maiden's Fancy> | 65 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Gaston <Chef> | 60 | Hellfire Peninsula | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Gloria Femmel <Cooking Supplies> | 20 | Redridge Mountains | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Golorn Frostbeard <Tradesman> | 10 | Dun Morogh | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Ikaneba Summerset <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Jim Saltit <Cooking Supplies> | 60 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
John Rigsdale <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Eversong Woods | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Kelsey Yance <Cook> | 43 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Laha Farplain <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Thunder Bluff | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Landraelanis <Tradesman> | 11 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Master Chef Mouldier <Cooking Trainer & Supplies> | 14 | Ghostlands | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Mera Mistrunner <Cooking Supplies> | 75 | Hrothgar's Landing | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Micha Yance <Trade Goods> | 40 | Hillsbrad Foothills | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Misensi <Cooking Supplies> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Naal Mistrunner <Cooking Supplies> | 40 | Thunder Bluff | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Naka <Cooking Supplies> | 60 | Zangarmarsh | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Narret Shadowgrove <Trade Supplies> | 16 | Teldrassil | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Nula the Butcher <Cooking Supplies> | 65 - 66 | Zangarmarsh | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Nyoma <Cooking Supplies> | 20 | Teldrassil | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Otho Moji'ko <Cooking Supplies> | 48 | The Hinterlands | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Phea <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Provisioner Lorkran <General Goods> | 73 - 74 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Quelis <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Ranisa Whitebough <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Ronald Burch <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Rose Standish <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Sathiel <Trade Supplies> | 10 | Eversong Woods | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Shimra <Trade Supplies> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Tai'tasi <Trade Supplies> | 12 | Durotar | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Tarban Hearthgrain <Baker> | 22 | Mulgore | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Tharynn Bouden <Trade Supplies> | 10 | Elwynn Forest | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Uriku <Cooking Supplies> | 63 | Nagrand | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Wilmina Holbeck <Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor> | 40 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Wulan <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Desolace | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Wunna Darkmane <Trade Goods> | 10 | Mulgore | A H | ∞ | 25 |
Xen'to <Cooking Supplies> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 25 |