Headdress of the Sleeper - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Headdress of the Sleeper


  • Disenchantable: (225)
  • Sell for: 2 54 99
Headdress of the Sleeper
Binds when equipped
193 Armor
+26 Strength
+25 Agility
+24 Stamina
+14 Intellect
+11 Spirit
Durability 60 / 60
Requires Level 62
Item Level 91
Equip: Increases your hit rating by 14 (1.3% @ L62).
Sell Price: 2 54 99

Additional Information

Lithic Talonguard63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Rip-Blade Ravager63A HBeast17
Cabal Initiate62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Cabal Spell-weaver62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Ironspine Petrifier62 - 63A HBeast17
Ironspine Chomper63 - 64A HBeast17
Cabal Tomb-Raider63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Cabal Skirmisher63A HHumanoid17
Cabal Abjurist63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Spirit Raven63 - 64A HUndead17
Screeching Spirit63 - 64A HUndead17
Coilfang Tempest63 - 64
A HHumanoid17
Coilfang Tempest70
A HHumanoid17
Coilfang Scale-Healer62 - 63
A HHumanoid17
Coilfang Scale-Healer70
A HHumanoid17
Razorsaw62A HDemon17
Arzeth the Powerless
<Servant of the Betrayer>
63A HDemon17
Terrorclaw63A HHumanoid17
Ango'rosh Shadowmage63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Ango'rosh Sentry62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Young Sporebat60 - 61A HBeast17
Parched Hydra61 - 62A HBeast17
Bogstrok Crusher62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Bogstrok Razorclaw62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Marsh Baron Brok62A HHumanoid17
Lagoon Eel61 - 62A HBeast17
Marshrock Stomper61 - 62A HBeast17
Ragestone Trampler62 - 63A HBeast17
Ragestone Threshalisk62 - 63A HBeast17
Feralfen Druid62A HHumanoid17
Fenglow Stinger62 - 63A HBeast17
Bogflare Needler62A HBeast17
Bloodthirsty Marshfang61 - 62A HBeast17
Umbrafen Witchdoctor60 - 61A HHumanoid17
Bloodscale Sentry62 - 63A HElemental17
Bloodscale Wavecaller62A HHumanoid17
Bloodscale Overseer61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Darkcrest Sentry61 - 62A HElemental17
Darkcrest Sorceress61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Darkcrest Slaver61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Fungal Giant63 - 64A HGiant17
Ango'rosh Warlock62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Ironspine Threshalisk63 - 64A HBeast17
Marshrock Threshalisk61 - 62A HBeast17
Vacillating Voidcaller61 - 62A HDemon17
Bleeding Hollow Tormentor60 - 61A HHumanoid17
Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte60 - 61A HHumanoid17
Shattered Hand Acolyte61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Shattered Hand Guard61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Shattered Hand Mage61 - 62A HHumanoid17
Shattered Hand Warlock62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Shattered Hand Neophyte62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Maiden of Pain61A HDemon17
Withered Bog Lord62A HGiant17
Arzeth the Merciless
<Servant of the Betrayer>
A HDemon17
Thornfang Venomspitter62 - 63A HBeast17
Thornfang Ravager62 - 63A HBeast17
Subjugator Yalqiz62A HDemon17
Drillmaster Zurok62
A HHumanoid17
Warbringer Arix'Amal62A HDemon17
Subjugator Shi'aziv62A HDemon17
Force-Commander Gorax63
A HHumanoid17
Mistress of Doom62 - 63A HDemon17
Arazzius the Cruel63
A HDemon17
Quillfang Skitterer61 - 62A HBeast17
Raging Colossus63
A HGiant17
Clefthoof Calf62 - 63A HBeast17
Captain Krosh63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Urga'zz62A HDemon17
Z'kral62A HDemon17
Felguard Brute60 - 62
A HDemon17
Felguard Brute70
A HDemon17
Shimmerscale Eel62 - 63A HBeast17
Ironjaw63 - 64A HBeast17
Warped Peon62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Urdak63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Ayit63A HHumanoid17
Ashkaz62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Timber Worg Alpha63 - 64A HBeast17
Timber Worg62 - 63A HBeast17
Royal Teromoth63 - 64A HBeast17
Teromoth62 - 63A HBeast17
Dreadfang Lurker63 - 64A HBeast17
Warp Stalker63 - 64A HBeast17
Dampscale Devourer63 - 64A HBeast17
Dampscale Basilisk62 - 63A HBeast17
Tuurem Hunter62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Tuurem Scavenger62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Shalassi Talonguard63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Skithian Windripper63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Skithian Dreadhawk63 - 64A HHumanoid17
Shienor Wing Guard62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Shienor Sorcerer62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Shienor Talonite62 - 63A HHumanoid17
Vicious Teromoth62 - 63A HBeast17
Steam Pump Overseer62 - 63A HHumanoid17
"Count" Ungula63 - 64A HBeast17
Blacksting62A HBeast17
Lord Klaq62A HElemental17
A HBeast17