Thundercaller's Gauntlets - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Thundercaller's Gauntlets


  • Disenchantable: (275)
  • Sell for: 2 33 83
Thundercaller's Gauntlets
Binds when equipped
377 Armor
+16 Stamina
+16 Intellect
Durability 40 / 40
Requires Level 67
Item Level 106
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 18 (0.96% @ L67).
Equip: Increases spell power by 35.
Sell Price: 2 33 83

Additional Information

Wyrmcult Hunter66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Dragonmaw Peon68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Bloodmaul Taskmaster66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Wyrmcult Provisioner67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Shadowmoon Slayer
<Servant of Illidan>
68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Vengeful Husk65 - 66A HUndead14
Eclipsion Spellbinder68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Eclipsion Soldier68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Terrorguard Protector68 - 69A HDemon14
Avian Warhawk68 - 69
A HBeast14
Avian Warhawk71
A HBeast14
Avian Ripper67A HBeast14
Avian Ripper70A HBeast14
Vilewing Chimaera68A HBeast14
Felboar67 - 68A HDemon14
Scorchshell Pincer68 - 69A HBeast14
Mature Silkwing65 - 66A HBeast14
Proto-Nether Drake67A HDragonkin14
Mature Nether Drake67A HDragonkin14
Wyrmcult Hewer66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Wyrmcult Poacher66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Shadowmoon Harbinger68 - 69A HUndead14
Shadowmoon Zealot68 - 69A HUndead14
Harbinger of the Raven68A HHumanoid14
Sunfury Blood Lord68A HHumanoid14
Sunfury Eradicator67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Dragonmaw Wrangler68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Wyrmcult Scout67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Death's Might68A HDemon14
Death's Watch68A HDemon14
Makazradon68 - 69
A HDemon14
Morgroron68 - 69
A HDemon14
Wyrmcult Blessed67 - 68A HDragonkin14
Rocknail Ripper68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Greater Felfire Diemetradon68 - 69A HBeast14
Skethyl Owl68 - 69A HUndead14
Felfire Diemetradon67 - 68A HBeast14
Maxnar the Ashmaw
<Wyrmcult Patriarch>
68A HDragonkin14
Wyrmcult Blackwhelp67 - 68A HDragonkin14
Dark Conclave Hawkeye67A HUndead14
Dark Conclave Scorncrow67 - 68A HUndead14
Dark Conclave Harbinger68A HUndead14
Wyrmcult Acolyte67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Wyrmcult Zealot67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Young Crust Burster66 - 67A HUncategorized14
Greater Crust Burster67A HUncategorized14
Terrormaster67 - 68A HDemon14
Mutant Horror67 - 68A HUncategorized14
Shadow Council Warlock67A HHumanoid14
Fel Corrupter66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Bladespire Champion66A HHumanoid14
Auchenai Initiate65 - 66A HHumanoid14
Dullgrom Dredger65 - 66A HHumanoid14
Bloodmaul Drudger65 - 66A HHumanoid14
Domesticated Felboar65 - 66A HDemon14
Crystal Flayer66 - 67A HHumanoid14
Felsworn Daggermaw67 - 68A HBeast14
Felsworn Scalewing66 - 67A HBeast14
Enraged Fire Spirit68 - 69A HElemental14
Enraged Water Spirit68 - 69A HElemental14
Disembodied Exarch67 - 68A HUndead14
Enraged Earth Spirit68 - 69A HElemental14
Boulder'mok Shaman67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Boulder'mok Brute67 - 68A HHumanoid14
Dire Raven67 - 68A HBeast14
Bladewing Bloodletter65 - 66A HBeast14
Dreadwing68A HDragonkin14
Stronglimb Deeproot66A HElemental14
Grovestalker Lynx65 - 66A HBeast14
Scorch Imp67 - 68A HDemon14
Lesser Nether Drake66 - 67A HDragonkin14
Ridgespine Horror67 - 68A HBeast14
Ruuan Weald Basilisk66A HBeast14
Mutated Farahlon Lasher68 - 69A HElemental14
Severed Defender
<Kirin Tor>
68A HUndead14
Scalded Basilisk67 - 68A HBeast14
Grishnath Basilisk67A HBeast14
Deathforge Guardian68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Deathforge Summoner68 - 69A HHumanoid14
Protean Horror68 - 69A HUncategorized14
Protean Horror68 - 69A HUncategorized14
Arcatraz Warder68 - 69
A HHumanoid14
Arcatraz Warder68 - 69
A HHumanoid14
Arcatraz Defender68 - 69
A HHumanoid14
Arcatraz Defender68 - 69
A HHumanoid14
Forgemaster Morug68 - 69
A HDemon14
Talbuk Sire68 - 69A HBeast14
Barbscale Crocolisk68 - 69A HBeast14
A HGiant14
Bladespire Mystic67A HHumanoid14
Bladespire Crusher67A HHumanoid14
Bladespire Chef67
A HHumanoid14
Daggermaw Lashtail65 - 67A HBeast14
Scalewing Serpent66 - 67A HBeast14
Thunderlord Dire Wolf65 - 66A HBeast14
Silkwing Larva65 - 66A HBeast14
Gorr'Dim67A HHumanoid14
Glumdor66A HHumanoid14
Bladespire Ravager67
A HBeast14
Bladespire Raptor64 - 66A HBeast14