Scroll of Spirit VI - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Scroll of Spirit VI


  • Sell for: 2 47
Scroll of Spirit VI
Requires Level 60
Item Level 70
Use: Increases the target's Spirit by 32 for 30 min.
Sell Price: 2 47

Additional Information

Drakuru Raptor Rider74 - 75A HUndead17
Drakuru Berserker75A HUndead17
Vargul Deathwaker75 - 76A HUndead17
Gundrak Fire-eater76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Brute76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Savage76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Native75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Disturbed Soul75 - 76A HUndead17
Lost Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HUndead17
Akali Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Mam'toth Disciple76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Servant of Drakuru75 - 76A HUndead17
Blight Geist74 - 75A HUndead17
Serpent-Touched Berserker76 - 77A HUndead17
Death's Hand Acolyte77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Heb'Drakkar Headhunter76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Rhunok's Tormentor77A HHumanoid17
Decaying Ghoul75 - 76A HUndead17
Putrid Abomination74 - 75A HUndead17
Cultist Saboteur
<Cult of the Damned>
76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Kutube'sa77A HHumanoid17
Thalgran Blightbringer76 - 77
A HUndead17
Drakkari Bear Trapper76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Cultist Infiltrator
<Cult of the Damned>
76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HHumanoid17
<Swindlegrin's Bodyguard>
76A HHumanoid17
Foreman Swindlegrin76A HHumanoid17
Don Carlos72
A HHumanoid17
Venture Co. Excavator75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Sparktouched Oracle77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Sparktouched Warrior77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Mistwhisper Oracle75 - 77A HHumanoid17
Bonescythe Ravager75 - 76A HUndead17
Frenzyheart Hunter76 - 78A HHumanoid17
Frenzyheart Ravager76 - 78A HHumanoid17
Frenzyheart Tracker77 - 78
A HHumanoid17
Champion of Sseratus75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Snake Handler75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Plague Spreader73A HUndead17
Dragonflayer Guardian69 - 70A HHumanoid17
Vanthryn the Merciless
<The San'layn>
A HHumanoid17
Wailing Soul72 - 73A HUndead17
Venture Co. Evacuee73A HHumanoid17
Naxxramas Shade72 - 73A HUndead17
Necrolord Horus73A HHumanoid17
Scourge Technician72 - 73A HUndead17
Tattered Abomination72 - 73A HUndead17
Gjalerhorn Scavenger70 - 71A HHumanoid17
Scourge Deathspeaker72 - 73A HHumanoid17
<Hand of Arugal>
A HHumanoid17
Venture Co. Straggler73A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Witch Doctor73A HHumanoid17
Injured Drakkari Refugee73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Reanimated Noble71 - 72A HUndead17
Enraged Apparition71A HUndead17
Katja74A HHumanoid17
Frigid Necromancer
<Cult of the Damned>
73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Footman71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Risen Wintergarde Miner71 - 72A HUndead17
Vengeful Geist71 - 72A HUndead17
Onslaught Death Knight73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Smoldering Geist73 - 74A HUndead17
Burning Depths Necromancer
<Cult of the Damned>
73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Raven Archon73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Burning Depths Necrolyte
<Cult of the Damned>
73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Bloodpaw Warrior71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Bloodpaw Marauder71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Scout71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Infantry72 - 73A HHumanoid17
Mindless Wight71 - 72A HUndead17
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72A HUndead17
Risen Wintergarde Mage71 - 72A HUndead17
Dragonflayer Huscarl73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Foreman Kaleiki71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Commander Jordan73A HHumanoid17
Stable Master Mercer72A HHumanoid17
Lead Cannoneer Zierhut73A HHumanoid17
Blacksmith Goodman72 - 73A HHumanoid17
Captain Shely72A HHumanoid17
Forgotten Peasant70 - 71A HUndead17
Forgotten Knight71 - 72A HUndead17
Forgotten Captain72 - 73A HUndead17
High General Abbendis72
A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Workman71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Knight71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Footman71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Onslaught Raven Priest71 - 72A HHumanoid17
Conquest Hold Raider73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Amberpine Scout73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Bloodmoon Worgen73 - 74A HHumanoid17
A HHumanoid17
Bonesunder72 - 73
A HHumanoid17
Tormented Drakkari73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Hulking Atrocity73 - 74A HUndead17
Reanimated Drakkari Tribesman73 - 74A HUndead17
Battered Drakkari Berserker74A HHumanoid17
Decrepit Necromancer73 - 74A HHumanoid17
Overseer Korgan75A HHumanoid17
Drak'aguul73A HHumanoid17
Undead Miner74 - 75A HUndead17