Design: Quick Lionseye - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Design: Quick Lionseye


  • Sell for: 12 50
Design: Quick Lionseye
Binds when picked up
Item Level 75
Requires Shattered Sun Offensive - Revered
Use: Teaches you how to cut a Quick Lionseye.
Sell Price: 12 50

Quick Lionseye
+10 Haste Rating
Item Level 70
"Matches a Yellow Socket."
Sell Price: 6

Requires Lionseye

Additional Information

Eldara Dawnrunner
<Shattered Sun Quartermaster>
70Isle of Quel'DanasA H50
<Jewelcrafting Supplies>
70Shattrath CityA H50
<Jewelcrafting Supplies>
70Isle of Quel'DanasA H50