Icy Orb - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Icy Orb


  • Disenchantable: (325)
  • Sell for: 2 97 94
Icy Orb
Binds when equipped
Held In Off-Hand
Requires Level 67
Item Level 130
Random Bonuses
Sell Price: 2 97 94

Additional Information

Savage Worg70A HBeast1.8
Savage Worg80 - 81A HBeast1.8
Lion Seal Whelp68 - 69A HBeast1.8
Wild Shoveltusk68A HBeast1.8
Tamed Shoveltusk69A HBeast1.8
Shoveltusk Forager68 - 69A HBeast1.8
Frenzied Geist70A HUndead1.8
Frenzied Geist80 - 81A HUndead1.8
Dragonflayer Spiritualist70 - 71
A HHumanoid1.8
Dragonflayer Spiritualist80 - 81
A HHumanoid1.8
Dragonflayer Guardian69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
<Chieftain of Halgrind>
70A HHumanoid1.8
Gjalerhorn Worker70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gjalerhorn Scavenger70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Risen Villager70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Howling Wolvar Lookout69A HHumanoid1.8
Howling Wolvar Shaman69A HHumanoid1.8
Howling Wolvar Trainer70A HHumanoid1.8
Winterskorn Hunter69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Reckless Scavenger68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Arctic Grizzly Cub69 - 70A HBeast1.8
Ragnar Drakkarlund70A HHumanoid1.8
Gamel the Cruel69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Emaciated Mammoth Calf70A HBeast1.8
Heigarr the Horrible70A HHumanoid1.8
Captain Jacobs69A HUndead1.8
Ziggurat Defender69 - 71A HUndead1.8
Damned Taunka Spirit70A HUndead1.8
Bone Warrior70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Scourged Footman68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Loot Crazed Hunter70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Minion of Kaw69 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Northsea Thug69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Northsea Mercenary69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Loot Crazed Diver69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Oiled Fledgeling69A HBeast1.8
Loot Crazed Poacher69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
55-D Collect-a-tron70 - 71A HMechanical1.8
Scavenge-bot 005-B670 - 71A HMechanical1.8
Oil-stained Wolf70 - 71A HBeast1.8
Kvaldir Raider68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Defendo-tank 66D70 - 71A HMechanical1.8
Sentry-bot 57-K69 - 70A HMechanical1.8
Scavenge-bot 004-A870 - 71A HMechanical1.8
Oil-soaked Caribou70A HBeast1.8
Oil-covered Hawk70A HUncategorized1.8
Wooly Mammoth Bull69 - 70A HBeast1.8
Coldarra Mage Slayer68 - 69A HDemon1.8
Frozen Elemental70 - 71A HElemental1.8
Gorloc Dredger70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gorloc Hunter70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gorloc Mud Splasher70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gorloc Steam Belcher70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gorloc Gibberer70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Gorloc Waddler70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Marsh Caribou70 - 71A HBeast1.8
Tundra Wolf68A HBeast1.8
Vengeful Taunka Spirit70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Festering Ghoul70 - 71A HUndead1.8
<Minion of Varidus>
A HUndead1.8
Cultist Necrolyte68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Plagued Scavenger68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Harvest Collector68A HMechanical1.8
Nerub'ar Tunneler70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Nerub'ar Warrior70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Varidus the Flenser
<Cult of the Damned>
A HHumanoid1.8
Plagued Magnataur70 - 71A HHumanoid1.8
Skadir Mistweaver68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Warsong Aberration69A HUndead1.8
En'kilah Necrolord
<Cult of the Damned>
68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Clandestine Cultist
<Cult of the Damned>
68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Unliving Swine68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Infected Kodo Beast68A HBeast1.8
Beryl Mage Hunter69 - 70A HDragonkin1.8
Scourged Flamespitter68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Skadir Mariner68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Skadir Raider68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Skadir Longboatsman68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Skadir Runecaster68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Gammoth Tender70A HHumanoid1.8
Kvaldir Mist Lord68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Wooly Rhino Bull69A HBeast1.8
Wooly Rhino Matriarch68A HBeast1.8
Sand Turtle70A HBeast1.8
Landing Crawler68 - 69A HBeast1.8
Kvaldir Mistweaver68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Bloodspore Firestarter68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Bloodspore Roaster68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Bloodspore Harvester68 - 69A HHumanoid1.8
Bloodspore Moth68 - 69A HBeast1.8
Tundra Crawler70A HBeast1.8
Scourged Mammoth70 - 71A HUndead1.8
Beryl Reclaimer69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Nerub'ar Corpse Harvester68 - 69A HUndead1.8
Magmoth Crusher69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Offspring of Magmothregar69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Mate of Magmothregar69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Magmoth Forager69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Magmoth Shaman69 - 70A HHumanoid1.8
Boiling Spirit68 - 70A HElemental1.8