Nixod's Chain-Threshed Spaulders - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Nixod's Chain-Threshed Spaulders


  • Disenchantable: (325)
  • Sell for: 5 61 80
Nixod's Chain-Threshed Spaulders
Binds when equipped
792 Armor
+38 Agility
+46 Stamina
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 77
Item Level 166
Equip: Increases your hit rating by 27 (1.03% @ L77).
Equip: Increases attack power by 82.
Sell Price: 5 61 80

Additional Information

Kvaldir Mist Binder79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Kvaldir Reaver79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Unbound Seer78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Cult Researcher
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Cult Alchemist
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Damned Apothecary
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Overseer Jhaeqon
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Cult Blackguard
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
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<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
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<Void Summoner's Pet>
78 - 79A HDemon20
Void Summoner
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Skeletal Craftsman78 - 79A HUndead20
Fallen Hero's Spirit79A HUndead20
Scavenging Geist79 - 80A HUndead20
Reanimated Miner78 - 79A HUndead20
Necrotic Webspinner79 - 80A HBeast20
Stormforged Saboteur79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Faceless Lurker79 - 80A HUncategorized20
Hulking Horror79 - 80A HUndead20
Hulking Horror79 - 80A HUndead20
Azure Manabeast78 - 79A HDemon20
Azure Spellweaver79 - 80A HDragonkin20
Sinewy Wolf78A HBeast20
Lost Shandaral Spirit78 - 79A HUndead20
Grove Walker77 - 78A HElemental20
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths Underking78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78A HUndead20
Shandaral Warrior Spirit78 - 79A HUndead20
Shandaral Hunter Spirit78 - 79A HUndead20
Shandaral Druid Spirit78 - 79A HUndead20
Unbound Ent77 - 78A HElemental20
Unbound Dryad78 - 79A HHumanoid20
High Priest Yath'amon78 - 79
A HUndead20
Underking Talonox79
A HUndead20
Salranax the Flesh Render79
A HUndead20
Kul'galar Oracle79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Jotunheim Sleep-Watcher79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Vile Creeper79A HUndead20
Mjordin Water Magus79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths Underking78A HUndead20
Wailing Winds79 - 80A HElemental20
Plains Mammoth77 - 78A HBeast20
Romping Rhino78 - 79A HBeast20
Ice Steppe Bull78 - 79A HBeast20
Sentry Worg77 - 78A HBeast20
Roaming Jormungar78 - 80A HBeast20
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78A HUncategorized20
Viscous Oil78 - 80A HUncategorized20
Ravenous Jormungar78 - 80A HBeast20
Stoic Mammoth76 - 78A HBeast20
Valhalas Vargul79 - 80A HUndead20
Njorndar Spear-Sister78 - 80A HHumanoid20
Stormforged Infiltrator78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Stormforged Ambusher78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Carrion Fleshstripper76 - 77A HBeast20
Forgotten Depths Acolyte77 - 78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths Ambusher77 - 78A HUndead20
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78A HUndead20
Scion of Storm79 - 80A HElemental20
Cavedweller Worg78 - 80A HBeast20
Garhal79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Exhausted Vrykul79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Restless Frostborn Ghost77 - 79A HUndead20
Restless Frostborn Warrior77 - 79A HUndead20
Mjordin Combatant78 - 80A HHumanoid20
Gnarlhide77 - 78A HHumanoid20
Niffelem Forefather78 - 80A HUndead20
Drakkari Rhino77
A HBeast20
Jotunheim Warrior78 - 80A HHumanoid20
Icemane Yeti79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Stormforged Monitor78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Icebound Revenant78 - 80A HElemental20
Stormforged Loreseeker77 - 79A HHumanoid20
Drakkari Rhino77
A HBeast20
Drakkari Golem77
A HMechanical20
Drakkari Earthshaker77
A HHumanoid20
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A HHumanoid20
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A HHumanoid20
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A HHumanoid20
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A HHumanoid20
Frostfeather Witch77 - 79A HHumanoid20
Frostfeather Screecher77 - 79A HHumanoid20
Spitting Cobra77
A HBeast20
Unyielding Constrictor77
A HBeast20
Death Knight Master79 - 80A HUndead20
Library Guardian78 - 79A HMechanical20
Rabid Cannibal79 - 80A HUndead20
Vault Geist79 - 80A HUndead20
Morbid Carcass79 - 80A HUndead20
Shadow Cultist
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Onslaught Destrier78 - 79A HBeast20
Tracker Thulin78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Stormforged Tracker78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Stormrider78 - 80A HElemental20
Savage Hill Brute77 - 78A HHumanoid20
Savage Hill Mystic77 - 78A HHumanoid20
Onslaught Darkweaver79 - 80
A HHumanoid20