Belt of Crystalline Tears - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Belt of Crystalline Tears


  • Disenchantable: (325)
  • Sell for: 4 13 55
Belt of Crystalline Tears
Binds when equipped
1034 Armor
+43 Stamina
+25 Intellect
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 77
Item Level 162
Equip: Improves haste rating by 37 (1.41% @ L77).
Equip: Increases spell power by 47.
Sell Price: 4 13 55

Additional Information

Unbound Seer78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Enslaved Minion
<Void Summoner's Pet>
78 - 79A HDemon17
Reanimated Miner78 - 79A HUndead17
Dappled Stag76A HBeast17
Sinewy Wolf78A HBeast17
Grove Walker77 - 78A HElemental17
Shandaral Spirit Wolf78 - 79A HUndead17
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78A HUndead17
Dispirited Ent76 - 77A HElemental17
Forgotten Depths Underking78A HUndead17
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78A HUndead17
Portal Keeper76
A HDragonkin17
Portal Guardian76
A HDragonkin17
Shandaral Warrior Spirit78 - 79A HUndead17
Shandaral Hunter Spirit78 - 79A HUndead17
Shandaral Druid Spirit78 - 79A HUndead17
Unbound Ent77 - 78A HElemental17
Unbound Dryad78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Unbound Trickster78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Portal Keeper76
A HDragonkin17
Portal Guardian76
A HDragonkin17
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78A HUndead17
Forgotten Depths Underking78A HUndead17
Plains Mammoth77 - 78A HBeast17
Romping Rhino78 - 79A HBeast17
Ice Steppe Bull78 - 79A HBeast17
Sentry Worg77 - 78A HBeast17
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78A HUndead17
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78A HUncategorized17
Stoic Mammoth76 - 78A HBeast17
Stormforged Infiltrator78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Ambusher78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Carrion Fleshstripper76 - 77A HBeast17
Forgotten Depths Acolyte77 - 78A HUndead17
Forgotten Depths Ambusher77 - 78A HUndead17
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78A HUndead17
Restless Frostborn Ghost77 - 79A HUndead17
Restless Frostborn Warrior77 - 79A HUndead17
Gnarlhide77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Inciter77A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Loreseeker77 - 79A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Rhino77
A HBeast17
Drakkari Battle Rider77
A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Frenzy77A HBeast17
Drakkari Frenzy81A HBeast17
Drakkari Golem77
A HMechanical17
Living Mojo76
A HElemental17
Drakkari Earthshaker77
A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Medicine Man77
A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Fire Weaver77
A HHumanoid17
Drakkari God Hunter77
A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Lancer77
A HHumanoid17
Frostfeather Witch77 - 79A HHumanoid17
Frostfeather Screecher77 - 79A HHumanoid17
Spitting Cobra77
A HBeast17
Unyielding Constrictor77
A HBeast17
Stormforged Tracker78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Banshee Soulclaimer75 - 76A HUndead17
Tormar Frostgut78A HHumanoid17
Savage Hill Brute77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Savage Hill Mystic77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Pillager78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Elemental78
A HElemental17
Snowblind Devotee76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Garm Watcher77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Ice Steppe Rhino77 - 79A HBeast17
Vargul Slayer75 - 76A HUndead17
Vargul Runelord75 - 76A HUndead17
Vargul Deathwaker75 - 76A HUndead17
Snowblind Digger76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Crystalweb Spitter77 - 78A HBeast17
Crystalweb Weaver77 - 78A HBeast17
Snowblind Devotee76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Savage Hill Scavenger77 - 78A HHumanoid17
Ironwool Mammoth77 - 78A HBeast17
Stormforged Raider78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Artificer77 - 79A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Magus78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Stormforged Taskmaster78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Raptor76 - 77A HBeast17
Frost Leopard76 - 77A HBeast17
Sifreldar Storm Maiden78 - 79A HHumanoid17
Icepaw Bear76 - 77A HBeast17
Gundrak Fire-eater76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Brute76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Native75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Disturbed Soul75 - 76A HUndead17
Lost Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HUndead17
Lifeblood Elemental76A HElemental17
Monstrous Wight75 - 76A HUndead17
Servant of Freya76 - 77A HElemental17
Perch Guardian77 - 78A HElemental17
Akali Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid17
<Warlord Zol'Maz's Daughter>
77A HHumanoid17
<Warlord Zol'Maz's Wife>
77A HHumanoid17
Enchanted Tiki Warrior76 - 77A HUncategorized17
Enraged Mammoth76 - 77A HBeast17
Prophet of Har'koa77A HHumanoid17
Siltslither Eel76 - 77A HBeast17
Servant of Drakuru75 - 76A HUndead17