Melia's Magnificent Scepter - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Melia's Magnificent Scepter


  • Disenchantable: (325)
  • Sell for: 10 99 43
Melia's Magnificent Scepter
Binds when equipped
Main HandMace
70 - 177 DamageSpeed 1.80
(68.9 damage per second)
+21 Intellect
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 75
Item Level 154
Equip: Increases spell power by 232.
Equip: Restores 13 mana per 5 sec.
Sell Price: 10 99 43

Additional Information

Azure Stalker74
A HDragonkin17
Dappled Stag76A HBeast17
Portal Keeper76
A HDragonkin17
Portal Guardian76
A HDragonkin17
Portal Keeper76
A HDragonkin17
Azure Raider75
A HDragonkin17
Azure Sorceror75
A HDragonkin17
Azure Captain75
A HDragonkin17
Portal Guardian76
A HDragonkin17
Forgotten One75
A HUncategorized17
Savage Cave Beast74 - 75
A HElemental17
Twilight Darkcaster74 - 75
A HHumanoid17
A HUndead17
Plague Walker74
A HUndead17
Carrion Fleshstripper76 - 77A HBeast17
Twilight Apostle74 - 75
A HHumanoid17
Twilight Worshipper74 - 75
A HHumanoid17
Living Mojo76
A HElemental17
Drakuru Raptor Rider74 - 75A HUndead17
Drakuru Prophet74 - 75A HUndead17
Drakuru Berserker75A HUndead17
Drakuru Blood Drinker74 - 75A HUndead17
Banshee Soulclaimer75 - 76A HUndead17
Snowblind Devotee76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Vargul Plaguetalon74 - 75A HUndead17
Vargul Blighthound74 - 75A HBeast17
Vargul Slayer75 - 76A HUndead17
Vargul Runelord75 - 76A HUndead17
Vargul Deathwaker75 - 76A HUndead17
Icetouched Earthrager74 - 75A HElemental17
Snowblind Digger76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Snowblind Devotee76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Raptor76 - 77A HBeast17
Frost Leopard76 - 77A HBeast17
Icepaw Bear76 - 77A HBeast17
Gundrak Fire-eater76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Gundrak Brute76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Native75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Disturbed Soul75 - 76A HUndead17
Lost Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HUndead17
Lifeblood Elemental76A HElemental17
Monstrous Wight75 - 76A HUndead17
Akali Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Enchanted Tiki Warrior76 - 77A HUncategorized17
Siltslither Eel76 - 77A HBeast17
Bloated Abomination75 - 76A HUndead17
Servant of Drakuru75 - 76A HUndead17
Altar Warden76 - 77
A HElemental17
Blood of Mam'toth76 - 77A HUncategorized17
Blight Geist74 - 75A HUndead17
Quetz'lun Worshipper76 - 77A HUndead17
Blighted Corpse75 - 77A HUndead17
Blightguard74 - 75A HUndead17
Heb'Drakkar Headhunter76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Guardian of Zim'Rhuk76 - 77
A HElemental17
Decaying Ghoul75 - 76A HUndead17
Putrid Abomination74 - 75A HUndead17
Cultist Saboteur
<Cult of the Damned>
76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Withered Troll74 - 75A HUndead17
Jin'Alai Medicine Man76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Heb'Drakkar Striker76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Bear Trapper76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Priest of Rhunok76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Drakkari Captive75 - 76A HUndead17
Hath'ar Broodmaster75 - 76A HUndead17
Frozen Earth76 - 77A HElemental17
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa76 - 77A HBeast17
Har'koan Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Claw of Har'koa76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Jin'Alai Warrior76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Shattertusk Calf76A HBeast17
Shattertusk Mammoth76 - 77A HBeast17
Primordial Drake76 - 77A HDragonkin17
Cultist Infiltrator
<Cult of the Damned>
76 - 77A HHumanoid17
Mossy Rampager75 - 76A HElemental17
Drakkari Water Binder75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Shango76A HBeast17
Hath'ar Skimmer75 - 76A HUndead17
Hath'ar Necromagus75 - 76A HUndead17
Malas the Corrupter76
A HUndead17
Zul'Drak Bat75 - 76A HBeast17
Trapdoor Crawler75 - 76A HBeast17
<Swindlegrin's Bodyguard>
76A HHumanoid17
Foreman Swindlegrin76A HHumanoid17
Withered Argent Footman75 - 76A HUndead17
Lurking Basilisk75 - 76A HBeast17
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Venture Co. Excavator75 - 76A HHumanoid17
Watery Lord76A HElemental17
Mistwhisper Oracle75 - 77A HHumanoid17
Mistwhisper Warrior75 - 77A HHumanoid17
Bonescythe Ravager75 - 76A HUndead17
Blighted Corpse76 - 77A HUndead17
Hardknuckle Forager75 - 76A HBeast17
Pitch76A HBeast17
Hardknuckle Charger76 - 77A HBeast17
Sapphire Hive Wasp76 - 77A HBeast17
Sapphire Hive Drone76 - 77A HBeast17
Frenzyheart Scavenger76 - 77A HHumanoid17