Twisted Puzzle-Ring - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Twisted Puzzle-Ring


  • Disenchantable: (325)
  • Sell for: 4 58 57
Twisted Puzzle-Ring
Binds when equipped
+21 Intellect
+35 Stamina
Requires Level 77
Item Level 170
Equip: Increases spell power by 35.
Equip: Restores 16 mana per 5 sec.
Sell Price: 4 58 57

Additional Information

Argent Lightwielder80
A HHumanoid20
Argent Lightwielder80
A HHumanoid20
Argent Priestess79 - 80
A HHumanoid20
Argent Priestess79 - 80
A HHumanoid20
Argent Monk80
A HHumanoid20
Argent Monk80
A HHumanoid20
Kvaldir Mist Binder79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Kvaldir Reaver79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Dark Ritualist
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Dark Zealot
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
XB-488 Disposalbot80
A HMechanical20
XD-175 Compactobot80
A HMechanical20
XR-949 Salvagebot80
A HMechanical20
Parts Recovery Technician80
A HMechanical20
Parts Recovery Technician80
A HMechanical20
Clockwork Sapper80
A HMechanical20
Cult Conspirator
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Unbound Seer78 - 79A HHumanoid20
Cultist Acolyte80A HUndead20
Vargul Wanderer80A HUndead20
Archavon Warder80
A HGiant20
Cultist Shard Watcher
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Cult Researcher
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Overseer Savryn
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Cult Alchemist
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Damned Apothecary
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Overseer Jhaeqon
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Corp'rethar Guardian80
A HUndead20
Vile Torturer
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Cult Blackguard
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Cult Taskmaster
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Shadow Channeler
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Enslaved Minion
<Void Summoner's Pet>
78 - 79A HDemon20
Void Summoner
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Scourge Converter80A HUndead20
Converted Hero79 - 80A HUndead20
Overseer Faedris
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Bitter Initiate
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Dark Subjugator
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Azure Stalker74
A HDragonkin20
Living Plague79 - 80A HUndead20
Fallen Hero's Spirit79A HUndead20
Scourge Banner-Bearer80A HUndead20
Scavenging Geist79 - 80A HUndead20
Reanimated Miner78 - 79A HUndead20
Vrykul Necrolord79 - 80A HUndead20
Glacial Bonelord80A HUndead20
Ymirheim Defender79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Cultist Corrupter
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Wyrm Reanimator
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Frostbrood Whelp79 - 80A HUndead20
Frostbrood Spawn80A HUndead20
Stormforged Saboteur79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Faceless Lurker79 - 80A HUncategorized20
Hulking Horror79 - 80A HUndead20
Hulking Horror79 - 80A HUndead20
Azure Manabeast78 - 79A HDemon20
Azure Spellweaver79 - 80A HDragonkin20
Foreman Thaldrin80
A HHumanoid20
Val'kyr Taskmistress79 - 80A HUndead20
Death Knight Initiate
<Host of Suffering>
80A HUndead20
Death Knight Adept
<Host of Suffering>
80A HUndead20
Skeletal Runesmith80A HUndead20
Umbral Brute80A HUndead20
Ymirjar Element Shaper79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Savage Proto-Drake80A HBeast20
Carrion Hunter80A HUndead20
Blight Falconer80A HHumanoid20
Ymirheim Chosen Warrior79 - 80A HHumanoid20
Sinewy Wolf78A HBeast20
Lost Shandaral Spirit78 - 79A HUndead20
Ancient Watcher80
A HElemental20
Lumbering Atrocity80A HUndead20
<Rider of Frost>
A HUndead20
Malefic Necromancer80A HUndead20
Undying Minion80A HUndead20
Plagued Fiend79 - 80A HUndead20
Vicious Geist80A HUndead20
Shadow Adept
<Cult of the Damned>
80A HHumanoid20
Hulking Abomination79 - 80A HUndead20
Shandaral Spirit Wolf78 - 79A HUndead20
Ahn'kahar Watcher73
A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths Underking78A HUndead20
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78A HUndead20
Intrepid Ghoul80A HUndead20
Scourgebeak Fleshripper80A HUndead20
Death Knight Initiate
<Host of Suffering>
80A HUndead20
Death Knight Initiate
<Host of Suffering>
80A HUndead20
Hungering Plaguehound80A HUndead20
Restless Lookout80A HUndead20
Risen Laborer80A HUndead20
Umbral Brute80A HUndead20
Skeletal Runesmith80A HUndead20
Lumbering Atrocity80A HUndead20
Lithe Stalker80A HUndead20
Water Revenant80A HElemental20
Earthbound Revenant80A HElemental20
Tempest Revenant80A HElemental20
Flame Revenant80A HElemental20
Shadow Revenant80A HElemental20