Apothecary Candith Tomas <General Goods> | 80 Elite | Icecrown Citadel | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Artificer Daelo <Engineering Trainer> | 18 | Azuremyst Isle | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Billibub Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Blast Thunderbomb <Engineering Supplies> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Brazie Getz <General Goods> | 69 Elite | Icecrown Citadel | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Bryan Landers <Engineering Supplies> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Captured Gnome <Item Repair> | 2 - 7 | Zangarmarsh | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Chief Engineer Boltwrench | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Chief Engineer Copperclaw | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Chief Engineer Galpen Rolltie <Engineering Supplies> | 70 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Clopper Wizbang <Explorers' League> | 15 - 16 | Bloodmyst Isle | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Demolisher Engineer Blastwrench <K3> | 80 | Ulduar | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Durik Bronzebomb <Engineering Supplies> | 78 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Elizabeth Van Talen <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Engineer Reed | 72 Elite | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Engineer Sinbei <Master Engineering Trainer> | 62 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Feera <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Field Repair Bot 74A | 50 | | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Fizzix Blastbolt <Engineering Supplies> | 75 | Hrothgar's Landing | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Fradd Swiftgear <Engineering Supplies> | 24 | Wetlands | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Frazzle Geargrinder <Engineering Supplies> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Gagsprocket <Engineering Supplies> | 20 | Durotar | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Gearcutter Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Gnaz Blunderflame <Engineering Supplies> | 42 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Haley Copperturn <Engineering Supplies> | 70 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Herble Baubbletump <Engineering & Mining Supplies> | 30 | Deadwind Pass | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Jinky Twizzlefixxit <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Thousand Needles | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Jubie Gadgetspring <Engineering Supplies> | 55 | Azshara | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Knaz Blunderflame <Engineering Supplies> | 42 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Lebowski <Master Engineering Trainer> | 60 | Hellfire Peninsula | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Loslor Rudge <Engineering Supplies> | 10 | Dun Morogh | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Mazk Snipeshot <Engineering Supplies> | 36 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Namdo Bizzfizzle <Engineering Supplies> | 24 | undefined | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Neal Allen <Engineering Supplies & General Goods> | 20 | Wetlands | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Pilot Marsha <Engineering Supplies> | 68 | Terokkar Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Rizz Loosebolt <Engineering Supplies> | 31 | Alterac Mountains | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Ruppo Zipcoil <Engineering Supplies> | 52 | The Hinterlands | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Siflaed Coldhammer <Tinker> | 60 | Terokkar Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Sovik <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Technician Halmaha <Engineering Supplies> | 65 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Technician Mihila <Master Engineering Trainer> | 62 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Tink Sprocketwhistle <Engineering Supplies> | 24 | undefined | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Troz | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Wind Trader Lathrai | 65 | Shattrath City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Wizzle Brassbolts | 31 | Thousand Needles | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Xark Bolthammer <Blacksmithing & Engineering Supplies> | 78 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Xizzer Fizzbolt <Engineering Supplies> | 57 | Winterspring | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Yatheon <Engineering Supplies> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Yuka Screwspigot | 53 | Searing Gorge | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Zan Shivsproket <Speciality Engineer> | 60 | Alterac Mountains | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Zebig <Master Engineering Trainer> | 60 | Hellfire Peninsula | A H | ∞ | 5 |
Zorbin Fandazzle | 40 | Feralas | A H | ∞ | 5 |