Information |
| |||
Alanura Firecloud <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Alchemist Cinesra <Poison Vendor> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Apothecary Candith Tomas <General Goods> | 80 Elite | Icecrown Citadel | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Apothecary Maple <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Apothecary Rose <Alchemy & Poison Supplies> | 71 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Arrluk <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Balfour Blackblade <Reagents and Poisons> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Bileblow <Poisons> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Brangrimm <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Hrothgar's Landing | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Celina Summers <Reagents and Poisons> | 70 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Chin'ika <Poison Supplier> | 69 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Corig the Cunning <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Darlia <Poison Supplies> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 45 |
David Marks <Poison Vendor> | 70 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Deathdrip <Poison Supplier> | 69 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Drix Blackwrench <The Fixer> | 80 | A H | ∞ | 45 | |
Drolfy <Alchemy & Poison Supplies> | 72 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Eralan <Poison Supplies> | 15 | Ghostlands | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Ezekiel Graves <Poison Supplies> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Fahran Silentblade <Tools & Supplies> | 28 | Stonetalon Mountains | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Field Repair Bot 110G | 70 | A H | ∞ | 45 | |
Fingin <Poison Supplies> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Frostwolf Quartermaster | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Fylla Ingadottir <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Gerald Crawley <Poison Supplies> | 25 | Redridge Mountains | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Gnimo <Adventurous Tinker> | 80 | A H | ∞ | 45 | |
Hapanu Coldwind <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | The Storm Peaks | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Hula'mahi <Reagents, Herbs & Poison Supplies> | 30 | Mulgore | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Initiate Roderick <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Jasper Fel <Shady Dealer> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Jaysin Lanyda <Poisons & Reagents> | 40 | Hillsbrad Foothills | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Jeeves | 80 | A H | ∞ | 45 | |
Jessica Evans <Reagents and Poisons> | 70 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Khur Hornstriker <Reagents> | 57 | Silithus | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Kurdrum Barleybeard <Reagents & Poison Supplies> | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Kyrai <Poison Supplies> | 30 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Lanus Longleaf <Herbalism & Poison Supplies> | 72 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Maethor Skyshadow <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Malissa <Poison Supplies> | 24 | Deadwind Pass | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Miles Sidney <Poison Supplies> | 25 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Mistie Flitterdawn <Reagents and Poisons> | 70 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Miura Brightweaver <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Mystic Makittuq <Poison & Reagents> | 73 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Nilika Blastbeaker <Poisons, Reagents & Alchemical Supplies> | 78 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Noraani <Reagent Merchant> | 63 | Zangarmarsh | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Oogrooq <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Patrice Dwyer <Poison Supplies> | 20 | Silverpine Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Quartermaster Vaskess <Supplies> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Rekkul <Poison Supplies> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Saffron Reynolds <Poison Supplies> | 70 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Samor Festivus <Shady Dealer> | 25 | Wetlands | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Sanut Swiftspear <Reagents and Poisons> | 74 - 75 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Seer Yagnar <Poison & Reagents> | 69 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Shaman Partak <Reagents & Poisons> | 78 Elite | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Sloan McCoy <Poison Supplies> | 25 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Sly Garrett <Shady Goods> | 46 | Stranglethorn Vale | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Smudge Thunderwood <Poison Supplies> | 45 | Alterac Mountains | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Soo-jam <Reagents & Poisons> | 78 Elite | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Sorely Twitchblade <Poison Supplier> | 69 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Stormpike Quartermaster | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Supply Master Taz'ishi <Poison & Reagents> | 70 | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Supply Officer Thalmers <Poisons, Reagents & Trade Supplies> | 77 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Tinky Stabberson <Poison & Reagent Supplies> | 70 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Tynnus Venomsprout <Shady Dealer> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Yaelika Farclaw <Reagents & Poison Supplies> | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Zebu'tan <Herbalism & Poison Supplies> | 71 | Wintergrasp | A H | ∞ | 45 |
Zend'li Venomtusk <Poison Supplies> | 69 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 45 |