Totemic Purification Rod - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Totemic Purification Rod


  • Sell for: 13 14 16
Totemic Purification Rod
Binds when picked up
Main HandMace
86 - 274 DamageSpeed 2.60
(69.2 damage per second)
+39 Intellect
+37 Stamina
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 78
Item Level 187
Requires The Kalu'ak - Revered
Equip: Improves haste rating by 32 (1.13% @ L78).
Equip: Improves spell power by 314.
Sell Price: 13 14 16

Additional Information

<Kalu'ak Quartermaster>
65DragonblightA H65 70 82
<Kalu'ak Quartermaster>
65Howling FjordA H65 70 82