Alaindia <Reagents> | 30 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Alanura Firecloud <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Alchemist Karloff <Corpse Dust Vendor> | 56 | Eastern Plaguelands | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Alys Vol'tyr <Reagents & Enchanting Supplies> | 73 | Wintergrasp | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Apothecary Candith Tomas <General Goods> | 80 Elite | Icecrown Citadel | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Apothecary Maple <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Apprentice Rosen <Reagent Supplies> | 72 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Arrluk <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Balfour Blackblade <Reagents and Poisons> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Barim Jurgenstaad <Reagents> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Bildine <Reagents> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Bradley Towns <Reagents & Enchanting Supplies> | 73 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Brangrimm <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Hrothgar's Landing | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Brazie Getz <General Goods> | 69 Elite | Icecrown Citadel | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Brother Cassius <Reagents> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Celina Summers <Reagents and Poisons> | 70 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Chepi <Reagents> | 30 | Thunder Bluff | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Chief Engineer Boltwrench | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Chief Engineer Copperclaw | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Co'man <Reagents> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Corig the Cunning <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Corpsedust <Reagents> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Cyroen <Reagents> | 30 | Darnassus | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Darahir <Reagents & Magical Goods> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Demolisher Engineer Blastwrench <K3> | 80 | Ulduar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Drikka <Reagents> | 69 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Drix Blackwrench <The Fixer> | 80 | | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Ferithos <Reagent Supplies> | 72 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Frostwolf Quartermaster | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Fylla Ingadottir <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Ginny Longberry <Reagents> | 30 | Ironforge | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Gnimo <Adventurous Tinker> | 80 | | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Hagatha Moorehead <Reagent Merchant> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Hagrus <Reagents> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Hannah Akeley <Reagents> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Hapanu Coldwind <Poisons & Reagents> | 79 | The Storm Peaks | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Helen Fairchild <Reagents> | 71 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Horthus <Reagents> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Ildine Sorrowspear <Enchanting Supplies> | 75 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Initiate Roderick <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Jeeves | 80 | | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Jessica Evans <Reagents and Poisons> | 70 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Julie Osworth <Reagents> | 75 | Hrothgar's Landing | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Keldric Boucher <Alchemy Supplies & Reagents> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Kyra Boucher <Reagents> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Lexey Brevig <Reagents & Enchanting Supplies> | 70 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Maethor Skyshadow <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Magenius <Reagents> | 30 | Orgrimmar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Miura Brightweaver <Poisons & Reagents> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Modoru <Reagents & Enchanting Supplies> | 70 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Musal <Alchemy Supplies & Reagents> | 30 | The Exodar | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Mystic Makittuq <Poison & Reagents> | 73 | Dragonblight | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Nilika Blastbeaker <Poisons, Reagents & Alchemical Supplies> | 78 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Oogrooq <Poison & Reagents> | 65 | Borean Tundra | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Owen Vaughn <Reagents> | 30 | Stormwind City | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Quartermaster Vaskess <Supplies> | 80 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Sanut Swiftspear <Reagents and Poisons> | 74 - 75 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Sarhule the Risen <Reagents> | 80 | Icecrown | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Scrapbot | 1 | | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Seer Yagnar <Poison & Reagents> | 69 | Grizzly Hills | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Shaman Partak <Reagents & Poisons> | 78 Elite | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Soo-jam <Reagents & Poisons> | 78 Elite | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Stephan Franks <Reagent Supplies> | 70 | Howling Fjord | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Stormpike Quartermaster | 60 | Alterac Valley | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Supply Master Taz'ishi <Poison & Reagents> | 70 | Sholazar Basin | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Supply Officer Thalmers <Poisons, Reagents & Trade Supplies> | 77 | Crystalsong Forest | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Thomas Mordan <Reagents> | 30 | Undercity | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Velanni <Alchemy Supplies & Reagents> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Vincent Huber <Reagents> | 75 | Zul'Drak | A H | ∞ | 70 |
Zalle <Reagents> | 30 | Silvermoon City | A H | ∞ | 70 |