Blood-Caked Stompers - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Blood-Caked Stompers


  • Side: Horde
  • Disenchantable: (325)
Blood-Caked Stompers
Binds when picked up
1489 Armor
+59 Strength
+84 Stamina
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 41 (1.04% @ L80).
Equip: Increases defense rating by 34 (6.91 @ L80).

This item will be converted to Stanchions of Unseatable Furor if you transfer to Alliance.

Additional Information

Doru Thunderhorn
<Thunder Bluff Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H10
Eliza Killian
<Undercity Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H10
Freka Bloodaxe
<Orgrimmar Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H10
<Sen'jin Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H10
Trellis Morningsun
<Silvermoon Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H10