Emblem of Conquest - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Emblem of Conquest


Emblem of Conquest
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Item Level 80

Additional Information

Arcanist Asarina
<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H1
Arcanist Miluria
<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Crystalsong ForestA H1
Magistrix Iruvia
<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H1
Magistrix Vesara
<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Crystalsong ForestA H1
Usuri Brightcoin
<Money Changer>
75Crystalsong ForestA H1