Pattern: Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Pattern: Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers


  • Side: Alliance
  • Sell for: 2 50
Pattern: Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers
Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei
Requires Tailoring (450)
Item Level 85
Use: Teaches you how to sew Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers.
Sell Price: 2 50

Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers
Binds when equipped
145 Armor
+58 Stamina
+58 Intellect
Blue Socket
Socket Bonus: +5 Spell Power
Durability 35 / 35
Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei
Requires Level 80
Item Level 245
Equip: Improves spell power by 80.
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 42 (0.91% @ L80).
Equip: Improves haste rating by 50 (1.52% @ L80).
Sell Price: 4 95 42

Requires Spellweave (8), Eye of Zul, Cardinal Ruby, Majestic Zircon, Crusader Orb (4)

This item will be converted to Pattern: Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers if you transfer to Horde.

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