Ironwood Maul - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Ironwood Maul


  • Disenchantable: (1)
  • Sell for: 14 8
Ironwood Maul
Binds when equipped
26 - 40 DamageSpeed 2.80
(11.8 damage per second)
+5 Stamina
Durability 60 / 60
Requires Level 13
Item Level 18
Sell Price: 14 8

Additional Information

Antonio Perelli
<Traveling Salesman>
35DuskwoodA H270 40
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42Stranglethorn ValeA H270 40
<Weapon Dealer>
19DurotarA H270 40
Nillen Andemar
19Loch ModanA H270 40
Vrang Wildgore
<Weaponsmith & Armorcrafter>
48The BarrensA H170 40
Wallace the Blind
19Silverpine ForestA H170 40