Blurred Axe - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Blurred Axe


  • Disenchantable: (50)
  • Sell for: 33 71
Blurred Axe
Binds when equipped
16 - 31 DamageSpeed 1.70
(13.8 damage per second)
+4 Agility
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 22
Item Level 27
Sell Price: 33 71

Additional Information

Charys Yserian
<Arcane Trinkets Vendor>
50Stormwind CityA H11 68 56
Dark Iron Entrepreneur
<Speciality Goods>
30 - 31WetlandsA H11 68 56
32Alterac MountainsA H11 68 56
Piter Verance
<Weaponsmith & Armorer>
41Dustwallow MarshA H11 68 56