Recipe: Slitherskin Mackerel - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Recipe: Slitherskin Mackerel


  • Sell for: 10
Recipe: Slitherskin Mackerel
Requires Cooking (1)
Item Level 5
Use: Teaches you how to cook Slitherskin Mackerel.
Sell Price: 10

Slitherskin Mackerel
Item Level 5
Use: Restores 61 health over 18 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
Sell Price: 1

Requires Raw Slitherskin Mackerel

Additional Information

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25WestfallA H40
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15Western PlaguelandsA H40
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<Fishing Supplies>
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14DurotarA H40