Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect


  • Sell for: 1 25
Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
Requires Enchanting (100)
Item Level 20
Use: Teaches you how to permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 3.
Sell Price: 1 25

Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
Item Level 20
Use: Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 3.

Requires Greater Magic Essence (3)

Additional Information

<Enchanting Supplies>
35OrgrimmarA H15
Leo Sarn
<Enchanting Supplies>
18Silverpine ForestA H15
Nata Dawnstrider
<Enchanting Supplies>
30Thunder BluffA H15
Tilli Thistlefuzz
<Enchanting Supplies>
30IronforgeA H15