Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore


  • Sell for: 1
Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore
Requires Cooking (50)
Item Level 15
Use: Teaches you how to cook Rainbow Fin Albacore.
Sell Price: 1

Rainbow Fin Albacore
Requires Level 5
Item Level 15
Use: Restores 243 health over 21 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
Sell Price: 3

Requires Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore

Additional Information

Catherine Leland
<Fishing Supplies>
30Stormwind CityA H4
Heldan Galesong
25FelwoodA H4
Killian Sanatha
18 - 20Silverpine ForestA H4
24DurotarA H4
Kriggon Talsone
25WestfallA H4
Nessa Shadowsong
<Fishing Supplies>
25TeldrassilA H4
Ronald Burch
<Cooking Supplies>
30UndercityA H4
<Fishing Supplies>
30OrgrimmarA H4
Stuart Fleming
<Fishing Supplies>
25WetlandsA H4
<Fishing Supplies>
14DurotarA H4