Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth


  • Sell for: 1 50
Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth
Requires Alchemy (90)
Item Level 18
Use: Teaches you how to make an Elixir of Giant Growth.
Sell Price: 1 50

Elixir of Giant Growth
Requires Level 8
Item Level 18
Use: Your size is increased and your Strength goes up by 8 to match your new size. Lasts 20 min. Battle Elixir.
Sell Price: 95

Requires Deviate Fish, Earthroot, Empty Vial

Additional Information

Fenissa the Assassin18
A HHumanoid8
Deviate Coiler Hatchling11A HBeast8
Bloodcursed Voyager16 - 17A HUndead8
Bloodcursed Naga15 - 16A HHumanoid8
High Chief Bristlelimb13A HHumanoid8
Lord Xiz13A HHumanoid8
Zarakh19A HBeast8
A HDemon8
Stinkhorn Striker12 - 14A HBeast8
Matis the Cruel
<Herald of Sironas>
A HHumanoid8
Deathclaw17A HBeast8
Sunhawk Agent18 - 19
A HHumanoid8
Sunhawk Saboteur17 - 18
A HHumanoid8
Sunhawk Pyromancer17 - 18A HHumanoid8
Sunhawk Defender16 - 17A HHumanoid8
Sunhawk Reclaimer16 - 17A HHumanoid8
Sunhawk Spy13 - 14A HHumanoid8
A HUndead8
Veridian Broodling17 - 18A HUndead8
Veridian Whelp16 - 17A HUndead8
Void Anomaly3 - 16A HDemon8
Tzerak14A HDemon8
Enraged Ravager16 - 17A HBeast8
Bloodmyst Hatchling10 - 11A HBeast8
Myst Leecher17 - 18A HBeast8
Myst Spinner16 - 17A HBeast8
Zevrax18A HDemon8
Murgurgula11A HHumanoid8
Chieftain Oomooroo11A HHumanoid8
The Kurken12A HBeast8
Tel'athion the Impure23A HHumanoid8
Fouled Water Spirit18 - 19A HElemental8
Corrupted Stomper16 - 18A HElemental8
Corrupted Treant11 - 13A HElemental8
Royal Blue Flutterer14 - 16A HBeast8
Elder Brown Bear15 - 16A HBeast8
Grizzled Brown Bear12 - 13A HBeast8
Mutated Tangler17 - 18A HElemental8
Mutated Constrictor14 - 15A HElemental8
Thistle Lasher11 - 12A HElemental8
Axxarien Hellcaller15 - 17A HDemon8
Axxarien Trickster16 - 17A HDemon8
Axxarien Shadowstalker15 - 16A HDemon8
Nazzivus Felsworn12 - 14A HDemon8
Nazzivus Rogue13 - 14A HDemon8
Nazzivus Satyr12 - 13A HDemon8
Wrathscale Sorceress13 - 14A HHumanoid8
Wrathscale Marauder13 - 14A HHumanoid8
Wrathscale Screamer12 - 13A HHumanoid8
Wrathscale Shorestalker12 - 13A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Seer15 - 17A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Warrior16 - 17A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Shorestriker15 - 16A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Tidecaller11 - 13A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Scout12 - 13A HHumanoid8
Blacksilt Forager11 - 12A HHumanoid8
Irradiated Wildkin14 - 16A HHumanoid8
Contaminated Wildkin15 - 16A HHumanoid8
Infected Wildkin14 - 15A HHumanoid8
Bristlelimb Warrior10 - 11A HHumanoid8
Bristlelimb Shaman10 - 11A HHumanoid8
Sentinel Leader11A HHumanoid8
Shadowpine Shadowcaster17 - 18A HHumanoid8
Withered Grimscale12 - 13A HUndead8
Zombified Grimscale12 - 13A HUndead8
Kel'gash the Wicked20
A HHumanoid8
A HUndead8
Lesser Scourgebat16 - 18A HBeast8
Vampiric Mistbat13 - 15A HBeast8
Greater Spindleweb17 - 18A HBeast8
Spindleweb Lurker14 - 15A HBeast8
Spindleweb Spider10 - 11A HBeast8
Ghostclaw Ravager16 - 17A HBeast8
Ghostclaw Lynx13 - 14A HBeast8
Shadowpine Hexxer17 - 19A HHumanoid8
Shadowpine Catlord18 - 19A HHumanoid8
Shadowpine Headhunter17 - 18A HHumanoid8
Shadowpine Oracle15 - 16A HHumanoid8
Mummified Headhunter16 - 17A HUndead8
Shadowpine Witch11 - 12A HHumanoid8
Shadowpine Ripper10 - 11A HHumanoid8
Arcane Reaver15 - 16A HElemental8
Blackpaw Shaman12 - 14A HHumanoid8
Blackpaw Scavenger12 - 13A HHumanoid8
Blackpaw Gnoll13 - 14A HHumanoid8
Sentinel Infiltrator15 - 16A HHumanoid8
Darnassian Huntress14 - 15A HHumanoid8
Darnassian Druid13 - 14A HHumanoid8
Sentinel Spy10 - 11A HHumanoid8
Dar'Khan Drathir21
A HUndead8
Vengeful Apparition12A HUndead8
Ravening Apparition11 - 12A HUndead8
Quel'dorei Wraith11A HUndead8
Quel'dorei Ghost10 - 11A HUndead8
Stonewing Slayer13 - 14A HUndead8
Phantasmal Seeker12 - 14A HUndead8
Gangled Flesheater10 - 11A HUndead8
Wailer18 - 19A HUndead8
Eye of Dar'Khan19 - 20A HUndead8
Nerubis Centurion18 - 19A HUndead8