Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves


  • Sell for: 4
Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves
Requires Leatherworking (120)
Item Level 24
Use: Teaches you how to craft Red Whelp Gloves.
Sell Price: 4

Red Whelp Gloves
Binds when equipped
52 Armor
Durability 25 / 25
Requires Level 19
Item Level 24
Equip: 5% chance of dealing 15 - 25 Fire damage on a successful melee attack.
Sell Price: 5 86

Requires Red Whelp Scale (6), Medium Leather (4), Fine Thread

Additional Information