Sergeant Ba'sha - NPCs - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Sergeant Ba'sha <Accessories Quartermaster>
  • Level: 65
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Orgrimmar
  • Damage: 272 - 370
Location of this NPC is unknown, possibly spawned via script.

Additional Information

6358Leather Armor1,600
5045Leather Armor300
6358Leather Armor1,600
5045Leather Armor300
6358Mail Armor1,600
5045Mail Armor300
6358Plate Armor1,600
5045Plate Armor300
6358Cloth Armor1,600
5045Cloth Armor300
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
60Misc. (Armor)2,805
3530Misc. (Armor)100
6358Misc. (Armor)1,600
5045Misc. (Armor)300
5045Cloth Armor300
3530Cloth Armor100
6358Cloth Armor1,600
20Misc. (Armor)15,000