This NPC can only be found in 25Man or Heroic modes.
Normal mode NPC:
Lady Deathwhisper.
Lady Deathwhisper is a female lich and leader of the Cult of the Damned.
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Lady Deathwhisper yells: You have found your way here, because you are among the few gifted with true vision in a world cursed with blindness.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: You can see through the fog that hangs over this world like a shroud, and grasp where true power lies.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Fix your eyes upon your crude hands: the sinew, the soft meat, the dark blood coursing within.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: It is a weakness, a crippling flaw.... A joke played by the Creators upon their own creations.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: The sooner you come to accept your condition as a defect, the sooner you will find yourselves in a position to transcend it.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Through our Master, all things are possible. His power is without limit, and his will unbending.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Those who oppose him will be destroyed utterly, and those who serve -- who serve wholly, unquestioningly, with utter devotion of mind and soul -- elevated to heights beyond your ken.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: What is this disturbance?! You dare trespass upon this hallowed ground? This shall be your final resting place.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Enough! I see I must take matters into my own hands!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: %s's Mana Barrier shimmers and fades away!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: You are weak, powerless to resist my will!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Take this blessing and show these intruders a taste of our master's power.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: I release you from the curse of flesh!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Arise and exult in your pure form!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Do you yet grasp of the futility of your actions?
Lady Deathwhisper yells: Embrace the darkness... Darkness eternal!
Lady Deathwhisper yells: This charade has gone on long enough.
Lady Deathwhisper yells: All part of the masters plan! Your end is... inevitable!
After killing this NPC you will gain:
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