Professor Putricide is the Scourge genius behind the development of all forms of blight, plague, ooze, scourge, and death delivery. He is the final boss in the Plagueworks section of Icecrown Citadel, the first Icecrown wing to be unlocked. In order to reach his laboratory, players must first defeat Festergut and Rotface
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Professor Putricide yells: Just an ordinary gas cloud. But watch out, because that's no ordinary gas cloud!
Professor Putricide yells: Oh, Festergut. You were always my favorite. Next to Rotface. The good news is you left behind so much gas, I can practically taste it!
Professor Putricide yells: Great news, everyone! The slime is flowing again!
Professor Putricide yells: Good news, everyone! I've fixed the poison slime pipes!
Professor Putricide yells: Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left behind plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and I didn't know it? Astounding!
Professor Putricide yells: Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
Professor Putricide yells: %s begins to cast Unstable Experiment!
Professor Putricide yells: Two oozes, one room! So many delightful possibilities...
Professor Putricide yells: Hmm. I don't feel a thing. Whaa...? Where'd those come from?
Professor Putricide yells: Tastes like... Cherry! Oh! Excuse me!
Professor Putricide yells: |TInterfaceIconsinv_misc_herb_evergreenmoss.blp:16|t%s cast |cFF00FF00Malleable Goo!|r
Professor Putricide yells: %s cast |cFFFF7F00Choking Gas Bomb!|r
Professor Putricide yells: Hmm... Interesting...
Professor Putricide yells: That was unexpected!
Professor Putricide yells: Great news, everyone!
Professor Putricide yells: Bad news, everyone! I don't think I'm going to make it.
After killing this NPC you will gain:
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