Call down Torgos with Trachela's Carcass. Acquire a Tail Feather of Torgos and return it to Taela Everstride at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.
The entirety of this quest happens in Terokkar Forest.
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There's a creature in the Bone Wastes so fearsome that only the dauntless dare to stalk him.
I speak of Torgos, king of the bonelashers, who circles over Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes.
Too bad that there's an arakkoan scarecrow there, known as Torgos's Bane, which keeps him at bay. I'd bet if you laid his mate Trachela's carcass at the foot of that scarecrow he'd come down anyway. She can be found at Carrion Hill in the northern wastes.
Bring me one of Torgos's tail feathers.
You can choose one of these awards:
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6 60
You have the feather? Am I to reward you for your foolhardy bravery?
Color me impressed, <class>. Torgos was one of the toughest creatures I know of this side of Nagrand.
Well, I suppose that's good enough for something from the Allerian Stronghold treasury. Take your pick.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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