Torgos! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Call down Torgos with Trachela's Carcass. Acquire a Tail Feather of Torgos and return it to Mawg Grimshot at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.
Tail Feather of Torgos
Suggested Players [2]


The entirety of this quest happens in Terokkar Forest.
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I want Torgos, king of the bonelashers, dead!

Not long ago, while I was out hunting at Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes, he fell upon me.

<Mawg taps his eyepatch.>

He took my eye, and now I would have his life! Bring me one of his tail feathers as proof and I'll give you a worthy reward.

You'll need his mate Trachela's carcass though to call him down as he's deathly afraid of the old arakkoan scarecrow known as Torgos's Bane.

Find her at Carrion Hill in the northern wastes.


You can choose one of these awards:
Terokkar Tablet of Precision
Terokkar Tablet of Vim
Also, you get: 6 60


Did you kill him? Is Torgos dead?!

You have proof?


I thank you, <name>! You have exacted my revenge, and as promised you will be rewarded!

Take your pick of one of these and use it well!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1400 experience (84 at max. level)

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