Bring 8 pieces of Salvaged Metal and 8 pieces of Salvaged Wood to Dumphry at Honor Hold.
The entirety of this quest happens in Hellfire Peninsula.
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Reinforcements are great, but I don't see 'em haulin' any wagons loaded with ingots or timber.
Take a look around, friend. Trees are in short supply, and the mines are overrun with Legion scum.
I'm in a bad way fer supplies, and I'm makin' what substitutions I can, but it's time to start reusing what we can.
The southern edge of the Path o' Glory is strewn with the ruins of siege machinery. Some pieces of 'em are still usable. Feeling up to a bit o' a salvage operation?
You can choose one of these awards:
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Were you able to find any usable materials out there underneath all the dust, ash, and char?
This is in better condition than I thought it'd be. Sure. it's going to take some time to work off all the rust. the char. and the like, but I'll not complain.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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