Custodian Dieworth at Kirin'Var Village wants you to kill Master Daellis Dawnstrike.
The entirety of this quest happens in Netherstorm.
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I'll never forget the blood elf who led the attack. He wore a tabard with a device I've never seen before, over top of crimson armor.
He was ferocious and merciless, leading from the front where most other blood elf officers would never be seen. He was responsible for the deaths of many Kirin Tor mages that day, but he didn't linger long at Sunfury Hold. Kael'thas has ordered him to Manaforge Duro to aid in their attempt to control the area. Find him, <name>, and silence his bow for good.
You can choose one of these awards:
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4 10
Have you finished the task, <name>?
<You're not certain, but it seems as though Custodian Dieworth is on the verge of tears.>
At last, it is through. If I could will myself out of existence, I would, but the truth is I don't know how to let go. For the ones in the village, it is difficult but straightforward. I suppose this is the price we pay for retaining such strong ties to this place.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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