Find the Glowing Gem and return to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar with Teronis' Journal.
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As you rummage through Teronis' belongings, you find a journal that is still in good condition.
You take the journal and leave Teronis' corpse as is.
The only thing left to do is find the gem Teronis was seeking. Raene mentioned it being in the area. Perhaps the murlocs have it...
Ah, welcome back, <name>.
This is terrible, <name>. Teronis is dead?!
The time for mourning will come, but for now we must focus our efforts. I shall send some of the Sentinels to recover Teronis' body as soon as possible.
You have Teronis' journal and the gem he was seeking. Do you think you're capable of completing his task? I would rest much better knowing his death was not in vain.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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