Escort Drijya to the warp-gate at Invasion Point: Destroyer, and see to it that he is kept safe while he attempts to sabotage it. Then speak to Gahruj at the Midrealm Post inside Eco-Dome Midrealm in the Netherstorm.
| Burning Legion warp-gate sabotaged |
| Suggested Players [3] |
With the Burning Legion nearby at the fel reaver scrap field, we must do what we can to stop the flow of demons into the area.
They have a warp-gate to the south in an area that they've cleverly named Invasion Point: Destroyer.
I need you to go with me to the site and keep me safe while I sabotage it.
Afterward, go to the Midrealm Post to the north inside Eco-Dome Midrealm and apprise Gahruj of our success.
We're going to need a friend or two of yours along to help with this.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
8 80
How may I help you?
That is most excellent news, my friend!
You and Drijya have done us a great service. With that warp
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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