Socrethar's Shadow - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Socrethar's Shadow


1.Socrethar's Shadow
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation with The Aldor must be at least Friendly
Anchorite Karja at Area 52 wants you to obtain the First Half of Socrethar's Stone from Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base: Oblivion and the Second Half of Socrethar's Stone from Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.

Performing quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.
First Half of Socrethar's Stone
Second Half of Socrethar's Stone
Suggested Players [2]


The entirety of this quest happens in Blade's Edge Mountains.
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The infamous eredar, Socrethar, leads the Burning Legion in Netherstorm. Mentioning his name is enough to make most draenei shudder. He gives orders from an island in the northwest that only his most trusted lieutenants can access.

To get there you will need to obtain a teleportation stone, which won't be an easy task. The first half of the stone is in the possession of Forgemaster Morug at Forge Base: Oblivion. The second half is held by Silroth at Forge Base: Gehenna.


Also, you get: 4 40


Have you obtained Socrethar's teleportation stone, <name>?


Your dedication to our cause is exemplary, <name>. With Socrethar's teleportation stone in our possession only one thing remains to be done.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1600 experience (96 at max. level)

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