Speak with Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm at the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus about the Cenarion Circle's call to explore the frontiers of Kalimdor.
The entirety of this quest happens in Darnassus.
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Attention, heroes!
The Cenarion Circle seeks able bodied individuals to assist them in exploring the vast new frontiers of Kalimdor! A forbidden wasteland of unimaginable dangers lies far to the west of Tanaris and Gadgetzan, and the Circle needs willing and honorable proxies to act in their stead.
All interested individuals should seek audience with the Cenarion Circle. Speak with the Arch Druid in Darnassus, Fandral Staghelm, for more information!
What makes you think I wish to be pestered by the likes of you, <class>? Wait - let me stop the important duties I attend to on a daily basis so I can help you locate a doodad somewhere. By all means, the welfare of Darnassus - nay, all of Teldrassil - should come second to the acquisition of a bauble for your collection.
The fools in Moonglade waste my time with their call for assistance, and now I must endure this?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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