A Dire Situation - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
A Dire Situation


4.A Dire Situation
Apply Rina's Diminution Powder to 5 of the Bloodmaul Dire Wolves at Bloodmaul Outpost and in Bloodmaul Ravine.
Bloodmaul Dire Wolf weakened (5)
Rina's Diminution Powder
Provided Item:
Rina's Diminution Powder


Part of this quest happens in Blade's Edge MountainsZangarmarsh.
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With their wolf pack reduced, the Horde is looking for replacements. Unfortunately there's another source nearby.

The Bloodmaul ogres in the ravine below to the east keep a strong pack as their own sentries. I hated sending you to kill the Thunderlord wolves, so why don't we do something different this time?

I've derived a magic powder from the dust that naturally falls off the wings of our fey drakes. Sprinkle it on the Bloodmaul dire wolves to make them undesirable to the Horde.


Also, you get: 3 50


Any luck out there? I know that it's dangerous work to be doing this amongst the Bloodmaul ogres, but if we can avoid the killing of any more animals, I'll be happy.


I'm glad to hear that it worked. The fewer the number of Nature's creatures that have to die, the better.

With all that you've done for us already, I must say that I'm beginning to grow very fond of your company.

Take care, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1150 experience (69 at max. level)

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