A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!


4.A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!
Use the Wicked Strong Fetish to curse 5 buildings or towers in Bladespire Hold and 2 in Bloodmaul Outpost.
Bladespire Hold building cursed (5)
Bloodmaul Outpost building cursed (2)
Wicked Strong Fetish
Provided Item:
Wicked Strong Fetish


Part of this quest happens in ZangarmarshBlade's Edge Mountains.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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Tip: Click map to zoom
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T'chali wants revenge on all of the ogres!

T'chali was a powerful witch doctor in life. If you reach into me grave you will find a wicked strong fetish.

Invoke the fetish's magic at the entrances to the buildings and towers of both Bladespire Hold and Bloodmaul Outpost. The voodoo you work will summon an evil spirit that you must defeat. This in turn will curse that building.

Beware, if you attempt to curse a building that is already cursed, you will call down another cursed spirit!


You can choose one of these awards:
Witch Doctor's Beads
T'chali's Kilt
Hexxer's Belt
Ogre Defiler's Handguards
Also, you get: 7


T'chali does not want to speak again until <name> has used the fetish to curse the buildings and towers of both the Bladespire and Bloodmaul clans!


Hahaha, revenge is sweet!

But, T'chali can see you be interested in moving on now that you help him get his revenge. I hear you, mon... life is for the living.

Tell you what, T'chali got lots of goodies still left here in his grave. You pick the one you like best!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1400 experience (84 at max. level)

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